UPDATE: June 11, 2012. This script was written way back when for an older version of SDL. SDL has been improved and rewritten since 2004, so see the reply node below Re: Tk Game Sound demo-with SDL for a more recent version using SDL-2.541

In SDL sound sampler-mixer I showed a snippet for a sound mixer in SDL. Well, since Tk is more widely used, and has an easier widget set to deal with, here is a Tk version. The script and/or sample sounds can be downloaded at ztk-sound-demo.

This script has volume control for each sound.

P.S. I have no error checkig in there for SDL, so if you don't have the proper sound files in the same directory, it will harmlessly segfault. Get the sample sounds from the tgz package, or insert your own.

#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Tk; use Tk::Pane; use SDL; use SDL::Mixer; use SDL::Music; # a demo for using multi channel sound in Tk # by zentara $|++; my $mw = tkinit; $mw->geometry('600x300+100+100'); ####setup mixer # See # my $mixer = SDL::Mixer->new( -frequency => MIX_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY, # 22050 -format => MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, # AUDIO_S16 -channels => MIX_DEFAULT_CHANNELS, # 8 -size => 1024 #higher numbers give sloppy reponse #as buffers continue to empty ); # provides 8 channels of # 16 bit audio at 22050 Hz. and a single channel of music. #background can be mp3,ogg or wav (mp3 needs smpeg libs) my $music = new SDL::Music('1bb.mp3'); #sound effects must be wav my $sound0 = new SDL::Sound('cannon.wav'); $sound0->volume(128); #max my $sound1 = new SDL::Sound('explosion.wav'); $sound1->volume(128); #max $mixer->music_volume(MIX_MAX_VOLUME); #128 ############################################################### ######setup volume indicators####################### my $music_vol = 128; my $chan0_vol = 128; #cannon my $chan1_vol = 128; #explosion my $tframe = $mw->Frame(-background =>'black')->pack(-fill=>'x'); $tframe->Label(-background =>'black', -foreground => 'lightyellow', -text => 'Music Vol: ', )->pack(-side=>'left'); $tframe->Entry(-background =>'black', -foreground => 'lightyellow', -textvariable => \$music_vol , -width => 3, )->pack(-side=>'left'); $tframe->Label(-background =>'black', -text => ' ',-width=>1, )->pack(-side=>'left'); $tframe->Label(-background =>'black', -foreground => 'lightgreen', -text => 'Cannon Vol: ', )->pack(-side=>'left'); $tframe->Entry(-background =>'black', -foreground => 'lightgreen', -textvariable => \$chan0_vol , -width => 3, )->pack(-side=>'left'); $tframe->Label(-background =>'black', -text => ' ', -width=>1, )->pack(-side=>'left'); $tframe->Label(-background =>'black', -foreground => 'lightsteelblue', -text => 'Explosion Vol: ', )->pack(-side=>'left'); $tframe->Entry(-background =>'black', -foreground => 'lightsteelblue', -textvariable => \$chan1_vol , -width => 3, )->pack(-side=>'left'); $tframe->Label(-background =>'black', -text => ' ', -width=>1, )->pack(-side=>'left'); my $sound = 1; $tframe->Checkbutton( -text => 'Sound', -background => 'lightskyblue', -variable => \$sound, -command => \&set_sound, )->pack(-side =>'left'); $tframe->Button(-text => 'Exit', -background =>'red', -command => sub{ exit })->pack(-side=>'right'); ################################################################# my $pane = $mw->Scrolled('Pane', -background =>'black', -scrollbars=>'oe', sticky=>'w')->pack(-side => "left", -anchor => "n", -fill=>'both',-expand=>1); my %keyprs = ( 'm' => { text => 'music on/off', command => \&music_toggle }, 'e' => { text => 'explosion', command => sub{ $mixer->play_channel( 1, $sound1, 0 ) + } }, 'c' => { text => 'cannon', command => sub{ $mixer->play_channel( 0, $sound0, 0 ) + } }, 'q' => { text => 'Exit Program', command => sub{ exit } }, 'space' => { text => 'Pause Music', command => \&pause_toggle }, 'plus' => { text => 'Increase Background Music Volume', command => sub{ &music_vol(1) } }, 'minus' => { text => 'Decrease Background Music Volume', command => sub{ &music_vol(-1) } }, 'F1' => { text => 'Increase Cannon Volume', command => sub{ $chan0_vol += 1; if($chan0_vol > 128){$chan0_vol = 128} $mixer->channel_volume(0,$chan0_vol); } }, 'Control-F1' => { text => 'Decrease Cannon Volume', command => sub{ $chan0_vol -= 1; if($chan0_vol < 0){$chan0_vol = 0} $mixer->channel_volume(0,$chan0_vol); } }, 'F2' => { text => 'Increase Explosion Volume', command => sub{ $chan1_vol += 1; if($chan1_vol > 128){$chan1_vol = 128} $mixer->channel_volume(1,$chan1_vol); } }, 'Control-F2' => { text => 'Decrease Explosion Volume', command => sub{ $chan1_vol -= 1; if($chan1_vol < 0){$chan1_vol = 0} $mixer->channel_volume(1,$chan1_vol); } }, ); #hack to expand pane $pane->Label(-text=>'',-background=>'red',-width =>100) ->pack(-fill=>'x',-expand=>1 ); my @order = qw(m e c space plus minus F1 Control-F1 F2 Control-F2 q); foreach(@order){ $pane->Label(-text => "$_ -> $keyprs{$_}{'text'}", # -font => 'big', -background => 'cyan', -anchor => 'w', -borderwidth =>2, )->pack( -fill =>'x',-expand=>1); $mw->bind("<$_>", $keyprs{$_}{'command'}); } MainLoop; ############################################ sub music_toggle{ if( $mixer->playing_music() ){ $mixer->halt_music(); }else{ $mixer->play_music( $music, 100 ); } } ############################################# sub music_vol{ $music_vol += $_[0]; if($music_vol < 0){$music_vol = 0} if($music_vol > 128){$music_vol = 128} #return if ! $mixer->playing_music(); $mixer->music_volume($music_vol); } ########################################## sub pause_toggle{ return if ! $mixer->playing_music(); if( $mixer->music_paused() ){ $mixer->resume_music(); }else{ $mixer->pause_music() } } ############################################# sub set_sound{ if($sound == 0){ $mixer->music_volume(0); $mixer->channel_volume(0,0); $mixer->channel_volume(1,0); return; } if($sound == 1){ $mixer->music_volume($music_vol); $mixer->channel_volume(0,$chan0_vol); $mixer->channel_volume(1,$chan1_vol); return; } } __END__