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Re: System Function...script does not move until process ends.

by data64 (Chaplain)
on Apr 06, 2005 at 18:38 UTC ( [id://445394]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to System Function...script does not move until process ends.

Instead of just calling dbeng9, call dbspawn. Its meant for starting the database in the background and is cross platform (ie. there are versions for all platforms that the database runs on).

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Re^2: System Function...script does not move until process ends.
by mobiGeek (Beadle) on Apr 06, 2005 at 18:50 UTC
    dbspawn is a much better solution than the hack I wrote about. Please disregard my "cmd /c start dbeng9" suggestion.

    I usually avoid the command because it is not the appropriate tool for launching the db engine as a daemon (use dbeng9 -ud instead)...however it is designed for exactly the type of situation you are facing.

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