noslenj123 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I am working on a program that has several hundred constants and I'm trying to figure out a good way to include those via a required file or a used module. I've run into problems and looking for advice.

If I require a file full of constants in like

use constant FAILURE_CONF => 1; use constant FAILURE_EVENT => 2; use constant OPEN_REQ => 3; use constant OPEN_CONF => 4; 1;
And use it like

use strict; require ""; if ( 3 == OPEN_REQ ) { print "Code is OPEN_REQ\n"; } else { print "Code is NOT OPEN_REQ\n"; }

I receive: 'Bareword "OPEN_REQ" not allowed while "strict subs"'. I had thought for some reason requiring a file is like inserting that code at that spot in the script. Is it a compiletime vs runtime issue?

If I use a module, what is the briefest way to pass my large number of declared constants into the main namespace without retyping everyone of them into @EXPORT?

I await your witty wisdom. :-)