in reply to Re: Embed GIF in perl source?
in thread Embed GIF in perl source?

And check out Hex Embedded Images as well...
# hex up your image open IMG, "$ARGV[0]" or die "Couldn't open $ARGV[0]: $!\n"; binmode(IMG); undef $/; $image = <IMG>; $hex = unpack("H*", $image); close IMG; while ($txt = substr($hex,0,32,'')) { print "'$txt'\n"; }

# print your hexed stuff out print "Content-type: image/gif\n\n"; print Image(); sub Image { my $image = '4749463839610f001000a2ff00848684' . 'dfe0dfc6c7c6c0c0c000000000000000' . '000000000021f90401000003002c0000' . '00000f00100040034048baacf3608049' . 'a98824ca0aae78d9b375a4164a92470e' . '016a8dde10721c48dfc029ee528b0ac0' . 'e06717121a8132cd6729b4ed8cc4c891' . '97a45a09b286569100003b00'; return(pack("H*",$image)); }

# Trust no1!