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Re: Reverse Engineering Perl Tool?

by mikfire (Deacon)
on Dec 08, 2000 at 19:55 UTC ( [id://45744]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Reverse Engineering Perl Tool?

You may also want to try a nice GUI debugger, like DDD which has some nice features for drilling into data structures, etc. Beyond that, it is likely worth the effort to liberally sprinkle the code with print statements. When attempting to learn code like this, I find it useful ( although sometimes painful :) to add lines like this
sub foo { print STDERR "Entering sub foo(@_)\n"; # Do something print STDERR "Exiting sub foo: return value $bar\n"; return $bar; }

Failing all of that, I will offer the following two toys. They are not perfect - they may not catch everything - but they have worked quite well for me.

First Toy

This one is a bit strange. It was originally designed to help me update my POD. It crawls through a bit of source and attempts to extract every time a return is called and the context in which it is called. I have modified it slightly so it would not bother parsing the pod in the second loop and instead print to screen. It is a little raw - I am the only one who uses it and I know how it is to be called :)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # usage: $0 filename [optional output file] # If the output file is not specified, it will print to STDOUT use strict; my $outp; open FILE, $ARGV[0] or die "A grim and horrible death: $!"; if ( defined( $ARGV[1] ) ) { open OUTP, ">$ARGV[1]" or die "Couldn't write: $!"; $outp = \*OUTP; } else { $outp = \*STDOUT; } my ( %calls, $name, @context ); #--- # First parsing phase is to try to gather all the return codes togethe +r, # keyed by the function name #--- while ( <FILE> ) { next if /^\s*#/; next if /^\s*$/; last if /__END__/; $name = $1 if /^sub (\w+)/; #--- # Push the context and get next line if possible #--- if ( /^\s*return (\$?[\w->:]+) (if .+)[;{]$/ || /^\s*return (\$?[\w->:]+) (unless .+)[;{]$/ ) { my ( $code, $context ) = ( $1, $2 ); chomp $context; $context =~ s/^\s+//; push @{$calls{$name}{$code}}, $context; next; } if ( /(.+){$/ ) { chomp; s/^\s+//; push @context, $_ } pop @context if ( /}$/ ); push(@{$calls{$name}{$1}}, $context[-1]),next if ( /\s*return (\$? +[\w->:{}]+ )/ ); } close FILE; for my $name ( sort keys %calls ) { for my $rc ( sort keys %{$calls{$name}} ) { print $outp "$rc when:\n\t"; local $" = "\n\t"; print $outp "@{$calls{$name}{$rc}}\n"; } }

Second Toy

This next one needs at least two parameters. The first arg is the source file. This file will be searched for all subroutine declarations. It will then search through all the remaining files on the command line, looking for those subroutines. When it finds one, it will print the name of the file, the line number and the call itself. It is heavily oriented towards OO perl and it does require perl 5.5 or better - I am something of a compiled regex junky.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; die "$0 <source> <target> ..." unless @ARGV > 1; my %keyword = (); my ( $source, @targets ) = @ARGV; my $package = ''; #--- # Try to extract the keywords, precompile the regex and store #--- open SRC, $source or die "Couldn't open $source : $!"; while( <SRC> ) { $package = $1 if ( ! $package && /^package\s+(.+);/ ); next unless ( /^sub\s+(.+){\s*$/ ); my $name; $name = $1; next if ( substr($name,0,1) eq "_" ); $name =~ s/\s+$//; $keyword{$name} = qr/([\w:{}]+)->$name/; } close SRC; for my $file ( @targets ) { my ( $line ); open FILE, $file or die "Couldn't open $file : $!"; LINE: while( $line = <FILE> ) { next LINE if ( $line =~ /^\s*#/ || $line =~ /^\s*$/ ); last LINE if $line =~ /__END__/; for ( keys %keyword ) { my $regex = $keyword{$_}; if ( $line =~ /$regex/ ) { my $starts_at = $.; my $lpack = $1 || ''; next LINE if ( $file eq $source ) && ( $line =~ /^ +sub/ ); next LINE if ( $line =~ /Usage/ ); next LINE if ( $lpack =~ /::/ && $lpack ne $packag +e ); while( $line !~ /;/ && ! eof(FILE) ) { $line .= <FILE>; next LINE if $line =~ /^EOF/m; } $line =~ s/^\s*//; printf "%s (%d) %s", uc $file, $starts_at, $line; next LINE; } } } #LINE close FILE; }
< mikfire

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