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Perl6 Contest: Test your Skills

by Limbic~Region (Chancellor)
on May 19, 2005 at 18:38 UTC ( [id://458728]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Limbic~Region has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

In my never ending quest to improve my Perl6 skills as well as spread advocacy, I have written the following code to solve thor's problem of proving through brute force that all hands of cribbage with a 5 are worth at least 2 points.
use v6; my @deck = new_deck(); my $next = combo(5, @deck); my @combo; while ( @combo = $next() ) { # Skip all hands that do not contain a 5 next if ! grep { $_<val> == 5 } @combo; # Skip all hands that have a score of at least 2 my $score = score( @combo ); next if $score > 1; # Print out the rest say join ' ', $score, map -> $_ { $_<disp> ~ $_<suit> } @combo; } sub score ( @hand ) returns Int { my $score = 0; # Last card is always cut card (for purposes of right-jack and flu +sh) # [234] of a kind my %of_a_kind = (1 => 0, 2 => 2, 3 => 6, 4 => 12); my %seen; for ( map -> $_ { $_<disp> } @hand ) { %seen{$_}++; } for ( values %seen ) { $score += %of_a_kind{$_} } # Flush my %suit = map -> $_ { $_<suit> => 1 } @hand[0 .. 3]; $score += 4 if +%suit == 1; $score++ if %suit{ @hand[ -1 ] }; # Count 15's my @vals = map -> $_ { $_<val> } @hand; for ( 2 .. 5 ) { my $next = combo($_, @vals); my @combo; while ( @combo = $next() ) { my $tot = 0; for ( @combo ) { $tot += $_ } $score += 2 if $tot == 15; } } # Check for right-jack for ( @hand[0 .. 3] ) { if ( $_<disp> eq 'J' ) { if ( $_<suit> eq @hand[ -1 ]<suit> ) { $score++; last; } } } # Check for runs my @nums = map -> $_ { $_<num> } @hand; my $found; for ( 5, 4, 3 ) { last if $found; my $next = combo($_, @nums); my @combo; while ( @combo = $next() ) { @combo = sort { $^a <=> $^b } @combo; my ($prev, $in_sequence) = (0, 1); for ( @combo ) { if ( ! $prev ) { $prev = $_; next; } if ( $_ - $prev != 1 ) { $in_sequence = 0; last; } $prev = $_; } if ( $in_sequence ) { $found = 1; $score += $_; } } } return $score; } sub combo (Int $by is copy, @list is copy) returns Ref { my @position = 0 .. ($by - 2), $by - 2; my @stop = @list.elems - $by .. @list.end; my $done = undef; return sub { return () if $done; my $cur = @position.end; while ( ++@position[ $cur ] > @stop[ $cur ] ) { --$cur; @position[ $cur ]++; next if @position[ $cur ] > @stop[ $cur ]; my $new_pos = @position[ $cur ]; @position[ $cur .. @position.end ] = $new_pos .. ($new_pos + + $by); last; } $done = 1 if @position[ 0 ] == @stop[ 0 ]; return @list[ @position ]; }; } sub new_deck () returns Array { my @deck; my %val = map -> $_ { $_ => $_ } 1..10; %val{ 11..13 } = (10) xx 3; my %disp = map -> $_ { $_ => $_ } 2..10; %disp{ 1, 11..13 } = qw<A J Q K>; for ( 1..13 ) { push @deck, { 'num' => $_, 'val' => %val{$_}, 'suit' => 'H', 'disp' => + %disp{$_} }, { 'num' => $_, 'val' => %val{$_}, 'suit' => 'D', 'disp' => + %disp{$_} }, { 'num' => $_, 'val' => %val{$_}, 'suit' => 'C', 'disp' => + %disp{$_} }, { 'num' => $_, 'val' => %val{$_}, 'suit' => 'S', 'disp' => + %disp{$_} }, } return @deck; }

Your challenge is to refactor or rewrite the code taking advantage of as many features of Perl6 as you can. Obfuscation is frowned on while clear succinct code using a new p6ism is smiled upon. I would encourage everyone to try their solutions using the latest Pugs and if something doesn't work - write a test! A secondary goal is to improve efficiency though it is a must to consider all hands.

If anyone feels that learning isn't reward enough and is interested in a prize, let me know and I will consider one. Any award beyond bragging rights will require a more strict set of rules though. Happy Hacking!

Cheers - L~R

Note: I had to work around a few pugsbugs but hopefully they will be fixed soon making the code better.

Update: The latest and greatest version can now be found here.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Perl6 Contest: Test your Skills
by revdiablo (Prior) on May 19, 2005 at 19:06 UTC

    Just to get the party started, and without putting much effort into it, you can change this:

    next if ! grep { $_<val> == 5 } @combo;


    next if none(@a) == 5;

    Update: another quick note. Your iterator should be able to be nicely implemented in terms of gather/take. Pugs doesn't have it yet, so I haven't had a chance to play with it enough to be very comfortable, but it would be nice if someone could show how to do that. :-)

    Another update: here's my crack at gatherifying your combo generator. I dunno if it's right, but it fits my understanding of how the construct is supposed to work:

    sub combo (Int $by is copy, @list is copy) returns Ref { my @position = 0 .. ($by - 2), $by - 2; my @stop = @list.elems - $by .. @list.end; my $done = undef; gather { until $done { my $cur = @position.end; while ++@position[$cur] > @stop[$cur] { --$cur; @position[$cur]++; next if @position[$cur] > @stop[$cur]; my $new_pos = @position[$cur]; @position[$cur .. @position.end] = $new_pos .. ($new_p +os + $by); last; } $done = 1 if @position[0] == @stop[0]; take [ @list[@position] ]; } } }

    As we can see, this was a very straightforward change. My understanding is that this should act lazilly -- possibly as a coroutine -- if used in a lazy context. Instead of returning lists, I have it take array references, because I'm not sure if taking a list would Do The Right Thing. Again, this is just my understanding of the feature. I could have this all wrong.

    Update on another update: added until loop around body of gather. I think it's correct this time. :-)

      Bravo! I intentionally tried to only use things that were not new with p6. Your suggestion is what I would consider "low hanging fruit". There should be plenty of it - which is one purpose of the challenge (getting used to p6isms that make your life easier)!

      Cheers - L~R

Re: Perl6 Contest: Test your Skills
by dragonchild (Archbishop) on May 19, 2005 at 19:07 UTC
    A little analysis would go a long way. The first thing is that you don't have to score the hand - you have to see if the hand has two points. If it does, you win. If it doesn't, you lose.
    • If you have a 10, J, Q, or K anywhere in @hand, you win.
    • If you have another 5, you win.
    • If you have a pair of anything else, you win.
    • If you have 3 cards in a row, you win.
    • If +%suit{@hand[0..3]} == 1, you win. The suit of the cut-card is irrelevant.
    • The check on the right jack is irrelevant because it's the only 1-point item.

    So, the trick is to prove you cannot construct a hand and cut-card that do not meet these criteria. A proof by negation, if you will. I will leave that as an exercise for the reader.

    • In general, if you think something isn't in Perl, try it out, because it usually is. :-)
    • "What is the sound of Perl? Is it not the sound of a wall that people have stopped banging their heads against?"
      I agree that once you know you have at least 2 points you can give up. If you look at my p5 solution in that thread, I solved the problem in 63 seconds (3 to generate a candidate list and 60 to disqualify them).

      That's not the point of this challenge. The challenge is about practicing p6 features and syntax with efficiency only a secondary goal.

      Cheers - L~R

        This is my point:
        # Assumption: @hand[0]<val> == 5; sub is_good( @hand ) returns Bool { # If you have a 10, J, Q, or K anywhere in @hand, you win. if any(@hand<val>) == 10 { return true; } # If you have more than one of anything, you win. my %cardvals; %cardvals{ @hand[0..4]<num> }++; if any( %cardvals.values ) > 1 { return true; } # If you have 3+ cards in a row, you win. for 1 .. 11 -> $start { if all( @cardvals{ ($start, $start+1, $start+2) } ) { return true; } } # If +%suit{@hand[0..3]} == 1, you win. # Note: The suit of the cut-card is irrelevant. my %suits; %suits{ @hand[0..3]<suit> }++; if +%suit == 1 { return true; } # Alternately, this could have been written: # if all( @hand[0..3]<suit> ) == any( @hand[0..3]<suit> ) { # return true; # } return false; }

        • In general, if you think something isn't in Perl, try it out, because it usually is. :-)
        • "What is the sound of Perl? Is it not the sound of a wall that people have stopped banging their heads against?"
Re: Perl6 Contest: Test your Skills
by dragonchild (Archbishop) on May 19, 2005 at 20:03 UTC
    sub score ( @hand ) returns Int { my Int $score = 0; my %cardvals; %cardvals{ @hand[0..4]<num> }++; # [234] of a kind $score += [*]($_,$_-1) for %cardvals.values; # Flushes $score += 4 if @hand[0]<suit> ~~ all( @hand[1..3]<suit> ); $score++ if @hand[4]<suit> ~~ all( @hand[0..3]<suit> ); # Fifteens if any( @hand<val> ) ~~ 5 && any( @hand<val> ) ~~ 10 { $score += 2 * ( grep -> $_<val> ~~ 5, @hand ) * ( grep -> $_<val> ~~ 10, @hand ); } # Runs SPAN: for 5 .. 3 -> $span { for 1 .. 11 -> $start { if all( @cardvals{ $start .. $start + $span } ) { $score += $span; last SPAN; } } } # Right-Jack $score++ if grep -> $_<disp> ~~ 'J' && $_<suit> ~~ @hand[4]<suit>, @hand[0..3]; return $score; }

    • In general, if you think something isn't in Perl, try it out, because it usually is. :-)
    • "What is the sound of Perl? Is it not the sound of a wall that people have stopped banging their heads against?"
      Sorry it has taken me a while to reply, but I have been trying to track down bugs and add tests for missing features. Several of them prompted by this reply - so thanks!
      my %cardvals; %cardvals{ @hand[0..4]<num> }++
      I don't believe @hand[0..4]<num> works. I believe you need the hyper operator for that as in @hand[0..4]>>.<num>. Since the slice represents the entire array it can be dropped all together - @hand>>.<num> I am not sure about the post increment also needing to be distributed either but my hunch is that it should be.
      # [234] of a kind $score += [*]($_,$_-1) for %cardvals.values;
      Clever! To explain what is happening from right to left: The values of the hash are the counts of each in the hand. The infix operator gets the product of the count and the count minus 1 so ( 1 => 0, 2 => 2, 3 => 6, 4 => 12 ). The result is then added to the current $score.
      # Fifteens if any( @hand<val> ) ~~ 5 && any( @hand<val> ) ~~ 10 { $score += 2 * ( grep -> $_<val> ~~ 5, @hand ) * ( grep -> $_<val> ~~ 10, @hand ); }
      I am fairly certain this is inadequate. Consider 2 + 3 + 6 + 4 = 15. (no fives or tens)
      # Runs SPAN: for 5 .. 3 -> $span { for 1 .. 11 -> $start { if all( @cardvals{ $start .. $start + $span } ) { $score += $span; last SPAN; } } }
      Again Clever! In this case though it isn't quite enough. To explain what I believe is going on is that you already have all of the number values stored in a hash. You start looking for runs of 5 then 4 then 3. Then you check for all possible runs of that length by checking if all cards in the hash have a true value. Unfortunately this is where it goes wrong. Consider:
      Hand = 2,3,3,4 5 2,3,4,5 = 4 points 2,3,4,5 = 4 points = 8 points total
      Your approach aborts after the first run is found.

      Cheers - L~R

        Cool. Thanks for replying. :-) A few fixes, then.

        You're absolutely right on the runs. Rewrite it as such:

        # Runs SPAN: for 5 .. 3 -> $span { for 1 .. 11 -> $start { if all( @cardvals{ $start .. $start + $span } ) { $score += $span [*] %cardvals{ $start .. $start + $span}; last SPAN; } } }
        Since %cardvals contains the number of each card, that's the number of times the run should be multiplied by. This also correctly handles 2,3,3,4,4. The span is 3 and the multiplier is 1*2*2, which results in 12.

        Update: I'm a little reduce-happy. That should really be:$score += $span *<< %cardvals{ $start .. $start + $span};

        You're also absolutely right on the fifteens. There are probably several ways to solve it. There's the brute-force method you used, which is perfectly adequate. However, I think we can use junctions to solve our problem. (Junctions rock, you know.)

        # Fifteens $score += 2 * all( 15 == [+]@hand{ any( 0 .. 4 ) } };
        I'm not sure that's legal. I've cross-posted it to P6L for @Larry to rip apart.

        Update: After japhy's comments, it should probably look something like:

        # Fifteens $score += 2 * all( 15 == [+]%hand{ any( 0 .. 4 ) } )>>.<num>;
        I'm trying to figure out the correct way to handle the combinations as a single item.

        • In general, if you think something isn't in Perl, try it out, because it usually is. :-)
        • "What is the sound of Perl? Is it not the sound of a wall that people have stopped banging their heads against?"
        sub gen_idx_powerset (Int $size is copy) returns Array { my @c = ([]); for 0 .. $size-1 -> $i { push @c, (map { [@$_, $i] }, @c); } return @c; } # Fifteens $score += 2 * grep { 15 == [+]( @hand[@$_]>>.<val> ) }, gen_idx_powerset( +@hand );
        • I'm still trying to figure out a way of generating the powerset of indices without needing the for-loop, but it's an iterative process that needs the list from the prior iteration to work. So, I'm not sure if that's possible.
        • I don't know if the parentheses around @hand[@$_]>>.<val> are needed.
        • I don't know if it's @hand[@$_] or @hand[$_]. I hope it's the former, but there's some weird stuff about promoting array references in a DWIM-ish fashion which I haven't understood. So, you may be able to golf another character.
        • gen_idx_powerset() will return the powerset with the empty set first. Add a reverse if you want to use that as a for-loop. It should also be trivial to convert that into an iterator with gather-take or some similar construct.
        • Yes, gen_idx_powerset() is a very elegant algorithm when done recursively. That's not how it came to me at midnight last night, though. I don't think that the tail-call optimization in P6 will help much, and the recursion isn't parallelizable because of the dependence on the prior iteration's results.
          sub gen_idx_powerset( Int $i is copy ) { return [] unless $i > 0; return ( gen_idx_powerset( $i - 1 ), (map { [@$_, $i] }, gen_idx_powerset( $i - 1 ) ), ); }

        • In general, if you think something isn't in Perl, try it out, because it usually is. :-)
        • "What is the sound of Perl? Is it not the sound of a wall that people have stopped banging their heads against?"
Re: Perl6 Contest: Test your Skills
by revdiablo (Prior) on May 19, 2005 at 19:47 UTC

    Another low hanging fruit observation. I didn't want to add another update to my already too-updated post, so I posted a new one. All the () around your conditions are unnecessary. For example, you can change:

    while ( @combo = $next() ) {


    while @combo = $next() {

    (Of course, this ignores the changes I made to the combo sub in my previous post. To take that into account, you would change it to:

    for combo() -> $combo {

    Or something like that.)

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