in reply to Re^7: Perl6 Contest: Test your Skills
in thread Perl6 Contest: Test your Skills

Sorry about the code in Iterating over combinations. It is very very terse ;) Allow me to explain how it works:

In iterating over $num-sized subsets of @arr: we maintain @pick, which are the $num indices of the array elements we will return. You see that we always return the array slice @$arr[@pick]. For example, suppose we have an array @arr of 5 items and want to iterate subsets of size 3. Then @pick takes on the values in this order:

@pick @arr[@pick] 0 1 2 ==> x x x . . 0 1 3 ==> x x . x . 0 1 4 ==> x x . . x 0 2 3 ==> x . x x . 0 2 4 ==> x . x . x 0 3 4 ==> x . . x x 1 2 3 ==> . x x x . 1 2 4 ==> . x x . x 1 3 4 ==> . x . x x 2 3 4 ==> . . x x x
The iterator code simply "increments" @pick in this manner. It's a lot like incrementing a number in base 10: You start on the right and increment that digit. If it becomes a 10, you have to "carry over" to the left. At the first place a carry-over is not needed, you need to reset all the digits to the right to zeroes.

This is almost the same, except now each digit has its own, different carry-over threshold. In this example, we carry when $pick[2] exceeds 4, when $pick[1] exceeds 3, etc. In general, $pick[$i] must not exceed ($#arr + $i - $num). We start on the right and "carry over" to the left if a digit gets too big. Then when we "reset" the digits to the right, instead of resetting each one to 0, we must reset them to an increasing sequence starting at $pick[$i].

Now the code:

return @$arr[ @pick = ( 0 .. $num - 1 ) ] unless @pick;
This initializes @pick to our starting point and returns the array slice all in one shot.
my $i = $#pick; $i-- or return while ( $pick[$i]++ == @$arr - $num + $i );
This is the super-terse part. Starting from the end of the array, increment a digit and then move backwards while a carry-over is necessary. If we have to carry over every digit ($i becomes 0), then we have to stop (return), there is nothing left we can do.
@pick[$i .. $#pick] = $pick[$i] .. $#$arr;
Now since $i is the last place we needed a carry, we have to reset the digits to the right of $i. There are some important edge cases: for instance, we don't want to talk about $pick[$i+1], since it's possible that $i is still $#pick (and we want @pick to stay the same size). Also, notice that, in general, the list on the RHS may be larger than necessary, just for simplicity.

Hope this helps!
