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User since: Jun 13, 2005 at 19:48 UTC (19 years ago)
Last here: Jan 25, 2024 at 19:36 UTC (13 weeks ago)
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Location:Houston, Texas
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Fell into Perl when doing sysadmin work on a bunch of SPARCstations in 1994. Since then, have used it for a mix of web development and data-munging. For the past several years (since 2013) I’ve had the good fortune of working in Perl shops. I hope it lasts. I blog about Perl and other things at

Posts by mjg
RFC: Porting map() and grep() to AppleScript in Meditations
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by mjg
on Nov 22, 2009 at 18:51

    No real Perl code here, but I thought it would be neat to try to port the map() and grep() functions to AppleScript and see if that much-maligned language could use a little higher-order programming love.

    I've also posted a thread on MacScripter, but here's the code in question. Thoughts?

    on map over theList given script:theScript set resultList to {} repeat with theItem in theList set resultList to resultList & theScript's lambda(theItem) end repeat return resultList end map on grep over theList given script:theScript set resultList to {} repeat with theItem in theList tell theScript if lambda(theItem) is true then set resultList to resultList & theItem end if end tell end repeat return resultList end grep -- end library script mapScript property HowMany : 0 on lambda(someone) set HowMany to HowMany + 1 return someone & " Gardner " & HowMany end lambda end script map over {"Mark", "Erin", "David"} given script:mapScript script grepScript on lambda(someone) considering case if contents of someone is equal to "David" then return true end if return false end considering end lambda end script grep over {"Mark", "Erin", "David"} given script:grepScript
My in Perl Poetry
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by mjg
on Jun 06, 2007 at 15:42
    Blame my co-worker Jim.
    #!/usr/bin/perl my %bologna = ( firstname => 'OSCAR', secondname => 'MAYER', ); chomp foreach @days; read STDIN, $me, 3; print "Because ", values %bologna, " has a way with BOLOGNA\n" if $me eq 'why';
Output results from a DBI select query in one line in Cool Uses for Perl
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by mjg
on Apr 11, 2006 at 11:47
    I'm finding myself using this idiom a lot for a current project. Adjust to taste for your own applications.
    # given a DBI handle $dbh, a database table "foo" with a column "bar" print join "\n", map join("\t", @$_), @{$dbh->selectall_arrayref( q{ select bar from foo } )};
TMTOWTDI, WMI, and map abuse in Cool Uses for Perl
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by mjg
on Mar 30, 2006 at 11:31
    I'm working on a behemoth of a script to inventory Windows Oracle servers, using Win32::OLE and Microsoft's WMI to pick up various interesting facts. This is probably of interest to only a few people (if that's you, I feel your pain), but I ended up writing two snippets that do the same thing, and I thought it would make a good example of traditional procedural code vs. utter and total abuse of the map function.
    # %oracle_instance's keys are names of Oracle instances on the server # $WMI_Services is a Win32::OLE object corresponding to a server's # "root/cimv2" WMI namespace # And the "in" function is an import from Win32::OLE # Here's the traditional code print "These need to be active Oracle admins with DBA privileges:\n"; # get ORA_DBA and ORA_<instance>_DBA groups my $group_query = "select * from Win32_Group where Name = 'ORA_DBA'"; foreach my $instance ( keys %oracle_instance ) { $group_query .= " or Name = 'ORA_${instance}_DBA'"; } my $ora_groups = $WMI_Services->ExecQuery($group_query); # get users in the above groups foreach my $group ( in $ora_groups ) { my $domain_ora_dba = $WMI_Services->ExecQuery(<<WQL); select PartComponent from Win32_GroupUser where GroupComponent = "Win32_Group.Domain='$group->{Domain}',Name='$group->{Name}'" WQL # print the users' names foreach my $dba_groupuser ( in $domain_ora_dba ) { print "$1\n" if $dba_groupuser->{PartComponent} =~ /,Name="(\w+)"$/; } } print "\n"; # And now in the spirit of TMTOWTDI, let's hear it for map! print "These need to be active Oracle admins with DBA privileges:\n", join( "\n", # list the names of users map $_->{PartComponent} =~ /,Name="(\w+)"$/, # that are members of in $WMI_Services->ExecQuery( 'select PartComponent from Win32_GroupUser where ' . join ' or ', map "GroupComponent = \"Win32_Group.Domain='$_->{Domain}',Name='$_->{Name}'\"", # the Windows groups named in $WMI_Services->ExecQuery( # ORA_DBA "select * from Win32_Group where Name = 'ORA_DBA' or " . join ' or ', # or ORA_<instance>_DBA map "Name = 'ORA_${_}_DBA'", keys %oracle_instance ) ) ), "\n\n";
Physical memory on remote machine in Code Catacombs
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by mjg
on Mar 27, 2006 at 18:19
A short example of WMI and Win32::OLE to get info from another server. Note that the hostname needs to be laundered or Win32::OLE will cry.