#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use strict; use vars qw($mw $sp); use Tk; BEGIN{ require Tk::Splashscreen; use Tk; $mw = MainWindow->new(-title=>'text'); $sp = $mw->Splashscreen(); $sp->Label( -text => 'Starting up', -width => 20, -height => 10, -font => [-size => 50] )->pack(); $sp->Splash(5000); # init splash screen $sp->update; # and display it #$mw->withdraw; # hide main widow during init for my $x(0..20) # junk { for my $y (0..20) { $mw->Label( -text => "$x:$y", )->grid( -row => $x, -column => $y ); } } sleep 3; # and a little wait if desired $sp->Destroy(); # get rid of Splash $mw->deiconify; # and show main window } MainLoop;