in reply to How do I create non-breaking space (  ) with HTML::Element?

I'd take a look at the ~literal pseudo-element in the docs .. that looks like it should be able to do what you need.

Untested, but ..

my $literal = HTML::Element->new('~literal', 'text' => ' ' ); my $element = HTML::Element->new('td', "class"=>"zwischanspalte"); $element->push_content($literal);
might give you some ideas :)

Hope that helps ...

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Re^2: How do I create non-breaking space (  ) with HTML::Element?
by tphyahoo (Vicar) on Aug 08, 2005 at 13:52 UTC
    Thanks foxcub, that did the trick. I just had to delete whitespace to pass the test :)
    use strict; use warnings; use HTML::Element; use Test::More qw(no_plan); my $literal = HTML::Element->new('~literal', 'text' => '&nbsp;' ); my $element = HTML::Element->new('td', "class"=>"zwischanspalte"); $element->push_content($literal); my $expected = '<td class="zwischanspalte">&nbsp;</td>'; my $html = $element->as_HTML(); $html =~ s/[\r\n]//; is($html, $expected);