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by zentara (Archbishop)
on Aug 26, 2005 at 15:49 UTC ( [id://486896]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: GUI-Programming
Author/Contact Info
Description: Simplifies the process of recording an mpeg video from your v4l (video for linux) camera/card and alsa. I use this with an SBlive audio card running under alsa, and a TV card running under v4l. It will switch the audio input to Mic and give a +20db boost, then return the settings to Line when exiting. It records with mpg video and audio codecs, from libavcodec, and can make fairly small videos with the fps and vbr set low. To view these mpgs on windows, you may need a win32 binary of for "mplayer win32".

Even if you don't want to send the file to a web site, it will leave the video in the working directory upon exiting. This makes it useful for leaving video messages on your own machine, for others to view....sort of a "video sticky notes."

I've included a sample uploading cgi and htaccess files, at cgi files And of course....a screenshot

use warnings;
use strict;
use Tk;
use Proc::Killfam;
use IPC::Open3;
require Tk::ProgressBar;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use LWP::UserAgent;
######### USER SETTINGS ################################# 
#set a default upload $url 
my $url = '';
# The way I do it, is have 2 directories called vblog, one in public_h
# which is where the files are actually deposited (must be mode 777), 
# one in cgi-bin, which is password protected( by .htaccess ), and hol
# the uploader cgi script. So you upload to cgi-bin/vblog/up.cgi, and 
# writes the file to public_html/vblog.  
#working cgi files at 

# if you wisely password protect the upload script directory with 
# an .htaccess file, use these settings for your username and password
# Otherwise they can be ignored 
my $user = 'zentara';  #for authorization_basic 
my $pass = 'slackwhack';
#the actual video height and width 
my($width,$height) = (320,240);  #or (640,480) 
#the range inputs for v4l controls are 0 - 65535 
#but the mplayer controls are -100 to 100 
#so 0 is the default and corresponds to the midpoint 32768 
# I havn't messed with realtime changing of the settings, because 
# it must be done AFTER mplayer/mencoder starts with it's settings. 
# So if you don't like the brightness/contrast settings, stop the 
# script and change below. 
my $brightness = 40;
my $contrast = 0;
my $fps = 10;  #29.97 is default frames per second for ntsc video 
               #at 10 fps allow a second before quitting to get last f
               #The lower the fps, the more time you must allow before
               #starting and stopping to allow catching the last frame
my $vbr = 100; #800 is HQ, 10 will give small files if you don't  
               #move around much :-) 
               #29.97fps at 100vbr is double size of 10fps, 100vbr    
#set recording default filename 
my $lt = localtime;
$lt =~ tr/ /_/;
my $mpg_out = $ENV{'USERNAME'}."-$lt.mpg";

####### END SETTINGS ######################################### 

my $filesize = 0;
my $pid; # pid used to control mplayer and mencoder 
my @options; # contains options for running mplayer 
my $timer;  #timer to update filesize while recording 
my $mic_on = 0;  #flag to track whether Mic is on or not  
my $progress = 0; #control for upload 
my $cancel = 0;   #control for upload 

#setup a shell thru IPC to carry out different  
# mixer and v4l2 control commands 
my $pidcon = open3(\*CON,0,0,'/bin/sh');

# the following initializes the v4l card for NTSC 
# this is not needed if the card was initialized 
# by running xawtv or something prior.....otherwise the 
# video is slightly out-of-sync on first run 
print CON "v4lctl setinput Composite1\n";
print CON "v4lctl setnorm NTSC\n";

$SIG{INT} = sub { &close_it_up };

my $mw = MainWindow->new(-background =>'black');

$mw->Tk::bind("<q>", sub{&close_it_up});
$mw->Tk::bind("<Escape>", sub{&close_it_up});
$mw->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW' => sub {&close_it_up});

my $cframe0 = $mw->Frame(-background =>'black')
            ->pack( -fill =>'x');
my $cframe1 = $mw->Frame(-background =>'black')
            ->pack( -fill =>'x');
my $cframe2 = $mw->Frame(-background =>'black')
            ->pack( -fill =>'x');
my $cframe3 = $mw->Frame(-background =>'black')
            ->pack( -fill =>'x');

my $canv = $mw->Scrolled('Canvas',
     -bg => 'black',
     -borderwidth => 0,
     -highlightthickness => 0,
     -relief => 'sunken',
     -width =>  $width,
     -height => $height,

my $contWidth = $width;
my $contHeight = $height;

## this Frame is needed for including the window in Tk::Canvas 
my $Container = $canv->Frame(-container => 1);

my $xtid = $Container->id();
# converting the id from HEX to decimal as xterm requires a decimal Id
my ($xtId) = sprintf hex $xtid;

my $dcontitem = $canv->createWindow(10,10,
   -window => $Container,
   -width => $contWidth,
   -height => $contHeight,
   -state => 'hidden',

my $rec_but = $cframe0->Button(-text => 'Record',
             -padx => 0,
             -command => sub{
             })->pack(-side =>'left',-padx=>5 );

my $send_but = $cframe0->Button(
             -text => 'Send It',
             -background => 'lightblue',
             -state => 'disabled',
             -padx => 0,
            -command => sub{&send_it($url,$mpg_out) } )
             ->pack(-side=>'left', -padx =>5 );

my $can_but = $cframe0->Button(
             -text => 'Cancel/Restart',
             -background => 'yellow',
             -state => 'disabled',
             -padx => 0,
            -command => sub{&restart} )
             ->pack(-side=>'left', -padx =>5 );

$cframe0->Button(-text => "Exit",
             -padx => 0,
            -command => [sub{&close_it_up}] )
             ->pack(-side=>'left', -padx =>5 );

$cframe0->Label(-text => 'Size: ',
                -background => 'black',
              )->pack(-side=>'left',-padx=>0 );

my $size_lab = $cframe0->Label(
               -textvariable => \$filesize,
               -background => 'black',
              )->pack(-side=>'left',-padx=>0 );

$cframe1->Label(-text => 'Upload To:',
              )->pack(-side=>'left',-padx=>0 );

my $email_ent = $cframe1->Entry(
               -textvariable => \$url,
               -width => 50,
               )->pack(-side=>'left',-padx=>0 );

$cframe2->Label(-text => ' Filename:',
              )->pack(-side=>'left',-padx=>0 );

my $nam_ent = $cframe2->Entry(
               -text => \$mpg_out,
               -width => 50,
               )->pack(-side=>'left',-padx=>0 );

my $messsage = $cframe3->Label(
                -text => 'When recording is stopped, looping playback 
+continues until Send/Cancel',
                -background => 'black',
                -foreground => 'lightgreen',
                 )->pack(-expand=>1 );
# frame for displaying upload progress  
my $cframe4 = $mw->Frame(-background =>'black');
my $cframe5 = $cframe4->Frame(-background =>'black')

         -background => 'black',
         -foreground => 'green',
         -width => 4,
         -textvariable => \$progress,
         )->pack(-side =>'left');

         -background => 'black',
         -foreground => 'green',
         -text => '%',
         )->pack(-side =>'left');

my $pb = $cframe5->ProgressBar(
          -length => 350,
          -width  => 20,
          -from   => 0,
          -to     => 100,
          -blocks => 100,
          -colors => [ 0, 'green',100 ],
  )->pack( -side => 'left',-padx => 10);

my $text = $cframe4->Scrolled("Text",
                -height => 5,
                -width => 30,
                -background => 'black',
                -foreground => 'yellow',
         )->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'both' );

my $bframe = $cframe4->Frame(
            -background => 'grey45' )->pack( -fill => 'x' );

my $cancel_but;
$cancel_but = $bframe->Button(
         -text       => 'Cancel',
         -background => 'lightgreen',
         -command    => sub {
                           $cancel = 1;
                         })->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 20);

$bframe->Button( -text => 'Close',
             -background => 'lightblue',
             -command  => sub {
             )->pack(-side =>'right',-padx => 20);


 sub start_player{
  @options = (
                '-slave','-loop 0', '-zoom',
                "-x $contWidth", "-y $contHeight",
                 "-wid $xtId",
 "tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video0:input=1:".

  $pid = open(MP, "| mplayer @options >/dev/null 2>&1 ");
  $canv->itemconfigure($dcontitem,-state => 'normal');

sub display_rec {
     #stop mencoder so mplayer can grab stream   
     killfam 9, $pid;
     @options = (
                '-slave','-loop 0', '-zoom',
                "-x $contWidth", "-y $contHeight",
                 "-wid $xtId",

 $pid = open(MP, "| mplayer @options $mpg_out >/dev/null 2>&1 ");



sub make_rec{
         -text=>'  Stop ',
         -command => sub{

      #pause instead of quit will leave a snapshot on screen 
      syswrite(MP, "pause\n");
      killfam 9, $pid;
      close MP;

 my @enc_opts =(
  # set output file name 
  "-o $mpg_out",
  # set video codec.. "mencoder -ovc help",  
  #vbitrate=800 for minimum compression, 10 is 'pixelized' 
  "-ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=$vbr",
  #set recording video source to tv, v4l must have been initialized 
  # input=0 is tv, input=1 is camera(Composite1) 
  "tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video0:input=1:".
  # set audio codec..see "mencoder -oac help" for audio options 
  "-oac lavc");

  $pid = open(MENC, "mencoder @enc_opts  >/dev/null 2>&1  | ");
  sysread MENC,my $buf,0; #avoid warning about MENC used only once 

  &mic_con(1); #turn on Mic 

  #start filesize watcher 
  #only approximate  
  $timer = $mw->repeat(500, sub{
      if(-e $mpg_out){
      $filesize = (sprintf '%d', ((stat($mpg_out))[7])/1024) . 'k'
sub stop{
       killfam 9, $pid;
sub close_it_up{
&mic_con(0); #restore Mic settings 
select(undef,undef,undef,.5); #small delay to allow mixer resetting 
sub restart{
  killfam 9, $pid;
  my $lt = localtime;
  $lt =~ tr/ /_/;
  $mpg_out = $ENV{'USERNAME'}."-$lt.mpg";

         -command => sub{

 $filesize = 0;

sub mic_con{
  my $con = shift;

  if($con == 1){  #turn Mic on to max for recording 
    #turn off playback to avoid feedback squeal 
    print CON "amixer cset name='AC97 Playback Volume', 0\n";
    #switch the capture to Mic 
    print CON "amixer sset Mic Capture cap\n";
    #turn up maximum Mic gain 
    print CON "amixer cset name='Mic Playback Volume', 100\n";
    #turn on Mic +20db boost 
    print CON "amixer cset name='Mic Boost (+20dB)', 1\n";

  if($con == 0){  #restore old Line settings 
    #turn off Mic by changing capture to Line 
    print CON "amixer sset Line Capture cap\n";
    #turn off Mic +20db boost 
    print CON "amixer cset name='Mic Boost (+20dB)', 0\n";
    #restore normal capture volume     
    print CON "amixer cset name='AC97 Playback Volume', 88\n";

sub send_it{

    my $file = $mpg_out;
    my $size = -s $file;
    my $tot = 0;
    $progress = 0;
    my $start = time;
    my $starttime = scalar localtime;
    my $message =
    "\n\n\nUploading $file , size $size to\n$url\n  at $starttime\n ";

    $text->insert('end', $message);

    $HTTP::Request::Common::DYNAMIC_FILE_UPLOAD = 1;
    my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;

    my $req = POST $url,
      Content_Type => 'multipart/form-data',
      Content      => [ file => [$file] ];

    $req->authorization_basic($user, $pass);

    my $gen = $req->content();
            die unless ref($gen) eq "CODE";

        sub {
            my $chunk = &$gen();
            if (defined $chunk){ $tot += length($chunk) }
            $progress = int(($tot/$size) *100);

            if($cancel){goto END}

            return $chunk;

    my $res = $ua->request($req);   #do it 

    if ( $res->is_success ) {
        $text->insert('end', $res->as_string);
    else {

my $condition = 'Finished';

     $condition = 'CANCELLED';
     $cancel = 0;
     $file = '';

 my $diff = time - $start;
 my $endtime = scalar localtime;

 $message =
    "$condition $file, at $endtime  total time = $diff seconds\n\n\n "

     $text->insert('end', $message);

undef $ua;


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