3,0.001355 4,0.002366 5,0.003744 6,0.005187 7,0.006808 8,0.008807 9,0.011459 10,0.014172 11,0.017328 12,0.020473 13,0.023491 14,0.027905 15,0.031813 16,0.036426 17,0.043177 18,0.067228 19,0.052098 20,0.059449 30,0.132611 40,0.235241 50,0.367828 60,0.510851 70,0.695534 80,0.913879 90,1.178992 100,1.427899 125,2.254988 150,3.269179 200,5.831225 #### my $subStrSize = 128; my $filterSize = 256; . . . $localBest[4] > $filterSize ? printf OUT "%10s::%-10s Length[%4d] Starts(%4d %4d)\n", $strings[$localBest[0]][0], $strings[$localBest[1]][0], $localBest[4], $localBest[2], $localBest[3] : print OUT " Didn't find LCS for $sourceName and $targetName\n"; #### @localBest ? printf OUT "%10s::%-10s Length[%4d] Starts(%4d %4d)\n", $strings[$localBest[0]][0], $strings[$localBest[1]][0], $localBest[4], $localBest[2], $localBest[3] : print OUT " Didn't find LCS for $sourceName and $targetName\n";