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by dankogai (Initiate)
on Sep 03, 2005 at 04:49 UTC ( [id://488853]=obfuscated: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Takesako-san has set the new way to (?:de)?obfuscate your script -- or any file via ppencode

Feed the to your camel and see what happens.

Actually this is a generalized version of Fun with Reserved Keywords.


Dan the ppencoder

#!/usr/bin/perl log xor print chr oct ord q split s xor print chr ord qw q uc q xor pr +int chr ord qw q s q xor print chr ord q gt log xor print chr ord q q + eq xor print chr ord uc qq map m xor print chr ord qw q ne q xor pri +nt chr ord qq pop xor print chr ord q stat s xor print chr ord q chr +lc xor print chr ord q ne sin xor print chr ord q or no xor print chr + ord q q q xor print chr oct ord q exp ge xor print chr ord q ge log +xor print chr ord q qr q xor print chr ord qq else xor print chr ord +qq q q xor print chr oct ord qw q ne q xor print chr ord q map m xor +print chr ord q oct do xor print chr ord q mkdir m xor print chr ord +q ne sin xor print chr ord q qr q

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: ppencode
by eyepopslikeamosquito (Archbishop) on Sep 03, 2005 at 09:40 UTC

      You think so? Not quite.

      1. only encodes codes. ppencode can encode any given sequence of bytes.
      2. contains binary | and ^.
      3. q zz ze ? zz and ze are not reserved.

      in addition to ppencode itself, the package comes with gen_ppencode which does generate ppencode -- the resuiting ppencode might be different for each invocation thereof.

Re: ppencode
by jdalbec (Deacon) on Sep 03, 2005 at 14:18 UTC
    Feed the to your camel and see what happens.
    Can't take log of 0 at - line 2.
    You could change log to another function that doesn't choke on $_, or you could remove the xor after it so that it applies to the return value from print.

      Heck. 1st try (the last one being the 0th)

      hex cos xor print chr oct ord q open do xor print chr ord qw q uc q xor print chr ord qw q sin q xor print chr ord q gt log xor print chr ord q q q xor print chr oct ord q ne sin xor print chr ord qw q no q xor print chr ord qq pop xor print chr ord q stat s xor print chr ord q chr lc xor print chr ord q ge log xor print chr ord q qr q xor print chr ord q q eq xor print chr oct ord q qx q xor print chr ord q ne sin xor print chr ord q or no xor print chr ord qw q lc q xor print chr ord qq q q xor print chr oct ord qw q ne q xor print chr ord q each le xor print chr ord q oct no xor print chr ord qw q kill q xor print chr ord q ne sin xor print chr ord q qr q

      I'll tell him about the 'log' bug. Anyway, please do try the URL mentioned. It does give you different codes randomly.

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