$topcoderBase=< #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #define COUNTER unsigned int #define REF(Ty) const Ty & #define REP(i,n) for(COUNTER i=0; i<((COUNTER)(n)); ++i) #define FOR(var,init,top) for(int var=init;var Syn #define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) #define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) #define ABS(x) ((x)>0?(x):(-x)) #define TOPCODERCLASS #define FUNCRET #define FUNCNAME #define FUNCARGS class TOPCODERCLASS{ public: FUNCRET FUNCNAME FUNCARGS{ FUNCRET Res; return Res; }; }; TOHERE use Win32::Clipboard; Win32::Clipboard::Set($topcoderBase); #down $in=@the=(' rivers '); that flow past new orleans, us ############################################################# #Down $in=@the=(' rivers '); that flow past new orleans, us, #Katrina sub stituted{ $what= 'us '}$ed = {to=>'be', fun=>'for'}; #what is now pain. #She came and she turned the bless $ed; #young; in[to] the old and grey #$and=sub{stituted}; @the =('crippled',' for',@the,'healthy'); #she pointed the honest man towards the loot #she looked @the ($wamps = &$and) =~ s/ /a/;$id = 'thou shall now be lakes'; #she shift $ed our $world;# and for$ed->{us}[2] admit #that the safety of the west doesn't just depend #on the wars that we export to foreign shores #and that sometimes, too much $what.'e'r can be more important than not enough oil #and she did it all in 5 days. __END__