#! /usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $data = lc "howdoesonehandlethissensibly"; #my $data ='thesuperuserwascalledderekuser'; my %foundwords; my $position; while (<>) { chomp; next unless length>2; # remove 1 and 2 letter words $position = 0; while (index($data,lc $_, $position) >= 0) { my $found = index($data, lc $_, $position); push @{$foundwords{$found}}, lc $_; $position = $found + 1; } } # Print the word combinations printwords('', -1); sub printwords { my $string = shift; my $position = shift; while (++$position < length $data) { if (exists $foundwords{$position}) { foreach my $word (sort {length $a <=> length $b} @{$foundwords{$position}}) { printwords (join(' ', $string, $word), $position + length($word) -1); } last; } } print "$string\n" if $position == length $data; }