OK since my lowercase-only JAPH seems to be nothing special on its own, here is a no-alphas JAPH to complement it. I use only non-alphanumeric printable ASCII characters, excluding whitespace. Underscores are allowed. Enjoy.

#! /usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; $_=('_[]@^'^'/>/,~')."-".('>]'^'[}')."\"".('^])@*{.|~%{{]\\-'^'./@.^[} +(:`))}-\\')."(".('*\\(]{\\./(@[-^-%^,{(!]+>^'^'@)[)[=@@\\(>_~]@,@[@@> +@[,')."\\".('.'^'@').")\"";`$_`

It works on my PC, it should work for most of you. Try deparsing it if you have problems.

Thanks to chester for a partial solution.