
I have a lot of gzipped csv files with the data from a legacy system I have to import. I don't want to uncompress them on disk and I don't want to read them entirely in memory. Also, I have to support multiline rows in the csv files (enclosed by a string delimiter).

After seeking for the modules, I didn't see anyone which could receive a filehandle that is a pipe from gunzip, neighter that support multiline rows... So, I end with the following code:

This is the parser...

package CSVParse; use strict; use warnings; sub new { my $self = shift; $self = { string_delim => '"', escape_char => "\\", field_delim => ',', reg_delim => "\n" }; bless $self, "CSVParse"; $self->{fh} = shift; return $self; } # supomos que ele esteja no início de uma coluna! sub fetch_column { my $self = shift; my $context = 'raw_data'; my @contexts = (); my $data = undef; while (1) { # char buffer my $buf; read($self->{fh},$buf,1) or do { $self->{EOF} = 1; last; }; $self->{last_char_read} = $buf; if ($context eq 'escape') { $data = '' unless defined $data; $data .= $buf; $context = shift @contexts; } elsif ($context eq 'string') { if ($buf eq $self->{string_delim}) { $context = shift @contexts; } else { $data = '' unless defined $data; $data .= $buf; } } else { if ($buf eq $self->{escape_char}) { push @contexts, $context; $context = 'escape'; } elsif ($buf eq $self->{string_delim}) { push @contexts, $context; $context = 'string'; } elsif ($buf eq $self->{field_delim} || $buf eq $self->{reg_delim}) { # voltar um caractere seek($self->{fh},0,tell($self->{fh})-1); # sair do loop. last; } else { $data = '' unless defined $data; $data .= $buf; } } } return $data; } sub fetch_row { my $self = shift; if ($self->{EOF}) { return undef; } my @cols = (); # supomos que ele comece numa posição OK while (1) { my $col = $self->fetch_column(); last if $self->{EOF}; push @cols, $col; if ($self->{last_char_read} eq $self->{reg_delim}) { # sair do loop. last; }# elsif ($buf eq ($self->{field_delim})) { next; } else { nex +t; } } return \@cols; } sub parse_file { my $self = shift; my @rows = (); while (1) { my $cols = $self->fetch_row(); last unless defined $cols; push @rows,$cols; } return @rows; } 1;

And this is a sample code...

open my $tabelaclientes, "gunzip -c somefile.csv.gz|" || die $!; my $csv = CSVParse->new($tabelaclientes); while (1) { my $row = $csv->fetch_row(); last unless defined $row; for (@$row) { utf8::decode($_); } print join(",",@$row)."\n"; } close $tabelaclientes;