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stripped punctuation

by thealienz1 (Pilgrim)
on Oct 06, 2005 at 19:30 UTC ( [id://498023]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

thealienz1 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:


I have written a basic word count script. It incoporates many options that can be used to determing a word, divied a word, remove punctuation, etc... It works, but I am afraid that its not efficient in one aspect.

As of right now, when a word is found in a document punctuation that appears at the beginning and end of the word can be removed. With the user define what punctuation they want removed in a string divided by a space.

  • "Wilmer!" -> Wilmer

#!/usr/bin/perl my $stripped = '" !'; my $word = '"Wilmer!"'; foreach my $punc (split(/ / , $stripped)) { #print "punc: $punc\n"; $word =~ s/^$punc//; $word =~ s/$punc$//; } print $word;

I want to know what other monks would do. What is the most efficient method that you can think of? Or perhaps lead me into the right direction, so that I can right the code myself because it is my project and not yours.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: stripped punctuation
by Skeeve (Parson) on Oct 06, 2005 at 19:45 UTC
    My basic approach would be to remove all punctuation, or better: All non-word characters and start counting then:
    s/[^a-z]/ /g; @words= split ' ';
    Of course this does not take into account:
    1. words that are broken at a line-
      end ;-)
    2. foreign language characters
    3. your definition of a word. Maybe you render ab4711xya word. With this it will be 2.

      This also breaks for simple, commonly used words. Like "don't." That's two words for you right there. Or "co-worker." Or...

      I'd suggest that the simplistic approach would be better off by splitting on white space first, then simply removing non-word characters (and I'd use the [:alpha:] designation as opposed to a-z).

Re: stripped punctuation
by ambrus (Abbot) on Oct 06, 2005 at 20:58 UTC

    Basically, you have to take whitespace-separated words, removing non-alphanumeric (i.e. punctation) characters from the beginning or the end. Punctation is allowed inside a word. What makes this a bit more complicated is that in some languages, the space os omitted around em dashes, so you have to consider em-dashes as whitespace too. Thus, it's easier to define what separates words than what counts as a word. Here's a simple solution.

    #!perl use warnings; use strict; my # I hate to say this, as it's not mine $text = q{ "'My Dear Mr. Sherlock Holmes:--"Lord Backwater tells me that I may place implicit reliance upon your judgement and discretion. I have determined, therefore, to call upon you and to consult you in referenc +e to the very painful event which has occurred in connection with my wedding. Mr. Lestrade, of Scotland Yard, is acting already in the matt +er, but he assures me that he sees no objection to your co-operation, and that he even thinks that it might be of some assistance. I will call at four o'clock in the afternoon, and, should you have any other engagement at that time, I hope that you will postpone it, as this matter is of paramount importance. Yours faithfully, ST. SIMON.' -- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. 1892. }; use locale; my $stuff_between_words = qr{ [^[:alnum:][:space:]]* (?: [[:space:]]+ | --+ | ^ ) [^[:alnum:]]* }x; my @words = split $stuff_between_words, $text; shift @words; # remove the empty word from the beginning print join(" ", map "<<$_>>", @words), "\n"; __END__

    However, if I'd really need a fast solution, I'd use flex.

    Update: on second thought, it'd be better to use just -- instead of --+.

      Thanks I will take a look at flex.
Re: stripped punctuation
by GrandFather (Saint) on Oct 06, 2005 at 19:42 UTC
    use strict; use warnings; my $stripped = qr/["!]/; my $word = '"Wilmer!"'; $word =~ s/^(?:$stripped)+(.*?)(?:$stripped)+$/$1/; print $word;

    Perl is Huffman encoded by design.

      After looking at your regexp I took to simplifying my needs with:

      $word =~ s/^[^\w\d]+(.*?)[^\w\d]+$/$1/;

      My intention is remove everything that is not a letter or number up to the first letter, pull everything up till the last non letter or digit. When I look at it it makes sense, but my testing it does not work.


      It works on the simple example I gave for 'Wilmer!'. I was running word count with a script as the input and the odd results I was seeing were the syntax in the script. I apologize.

        Except you want to strip punctuation from the beginning or end. The above regex only works if there is punctuation at both beginning and end.

        If removing any trailing/leading punctuation is in fact your goal, what about something like:

        use strict; use warnings; my $word = 'Wilmer",'; $word =~ s/^ \W*? # ignore any leading punc ( \w .*? ) # swallow everything lazily (?: \W+ )? $ # ignore any trailing punc /$1/x; print $word;

        Update: Mind you, at that point, a much simpler regex will likely serve you better in terms of speed and readability:

        $word =~ s/(?:^\W+)|(?:\W+$)//g;

        Final update - benchmark:

        Rate capture non_capture capture 16561/s -- -28% non_capture 22861/s 38% --

        The second suggestion is about 30% faster, on average.

        Additionally, \w doesn't mean what you think it means.

Re: stripped punctuation
by SamCG (Hermit) on Oct 06, 2005 at 20:00 UTC
    Update: Sorry, I realized after posting this is not entirely clear. I'd also strip the punctuation and then do the split on spaces, I just would probably think of the transliteration operator before the substitute (because I wouldn't necessarily be thinking regex), and I'd probably stick with it, thinking it might be faster. Does anyone know if it is?

    One possibility:
    #! perl use strict; $_="Wilmer'?"; tr/a-zA-Z//csd; print;
Re: stripped punctuation
by radiantmatrix (Parson) on Oct 06, 2005 at 21:17 UTC

    GNU's wc command exists for any major platform. Simply call it from inside your Perl application and let it do the heavy lifting.

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      This does a total word count to my understanding. I am looking for individual word counts. I did not mention that though, but thanks anyways.
Re: stripped punctuation
by graff (Chancellor) on Oct 07, 2005 at 00:52 UTC
    You said:
    the user define what punctuation they want removed
    Presumably, you would have a "default" set (e.g. whatever Perl defines as matching "\W", and maybe "_" as well), which would be suitable in most cases. Actually, a better default might be \P{L} which refers to "all non-letters" (see 'perldoc perlunicode').

    If it's important for your application to allow the user to specify a "cusomized" set for some particular case, you face a variety of tricky issues:

    • Is it easier for the user to specify the particular non-alphanumerics that should be kept, rather than specify all the ones that should be removed? (I think maybe so.)
    • Many of the characters involved have special meanings in regexes (period, question-mark, plus, dollar-sign and some others). This isn't a killer, but you need to be mindful of it.
    • If some "non-letter" characters are to be kept when they occur at a word boundary, you might have problems when other "non-letters" (that are to be discarded) co-occur with the ones being kept.

      For example, suppose that hyphen is to be kept at word boundaries, but parens at word boundaries should be removed; in a string like " word)- " it will be hard to remove the paren, because it lies "inside" the hyphen, which is being retained; that paren is "word-internal". Maybe the user just needs to specify which non-letter characters to keep when they occur next to a letter (or maybe it's more complicated than that).

    Anyway, in the default case, it really can be very simple (and this might even be the quickest):

    use strict; # make up some data my $line = "('The text.')-- 5 o'clock! What's cookin' with the text da +ta?"; # split on whitespace, keep only tokens that contain at least on lette +r my @words = grep /\p{L}/i, split ' ', $line; my %wcount; for ( @words ) { # using $_ will modify @words "in-place" s/^\P{L}+//; # remove initial non-letters s/\P{L}+$//; # remove final non-letters $wcount{lc()}++; # normalize to lower-case-only } print "$wcount{$_}\t$_\n" for ( sort keys %wcount ); __OUTPUT__ 1 cookin 1 data 1 o'clock 2 text 2 the 1 what's 1 with
    Note that even though I was using a regex symbol (\P{L}) that is documented as a "unicode" tool for regexes, I can use it on plain old ASCII data. (If you have non-ASCII data, make sure it's in utf8 before processing it -- see Encode if you have non-utf8, non-ASCII text data.)
Re: stripped punctuation
by thundergnat (Deacon) on Oct 07, 2005 at 01:31 UTC

    Some things which often fail to get taken into account:

    Words with internal apostrophes. (don't won't, can't shouldn't, you'll, it's, etc.)

    Words with non ASCII characters. á, ñ, ÿ, etc.

    This does:

    ########################################################## #! /usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; my $word = qr/(?<!\p{Alnum})\p{Alnum}+(?!\p{Alnum})/; my %count; while (<DATA>) { my $line = lc $_; while ($line =~ /($word('$word)?)/g){ $count{$1}++; } } printf "%15s %5d\n", $_, $count{$_} for sort keys %count; __DATA__ "Hello World!" "Oh poor Yorick, his world I knew well yes I did" "Words with internal apostrophes. (don't won't, can't shouldn't, you'l +l, it's, etc.)" "Señor Montóya's resüme isn't ápropos."

      The ultimate case would be to handle a word count in multiple languages, btu I believe that there are too many factors to take into account. Thanks for the suggestion though.

Re: stripped punctuation
by Moron (Curate) on Oct 07, 2005 at 16:54 UTC
    Is it me or is it really as simple as:
    $word =~ s/_//g; $word =~ /(\w+)/ and $word = $1;
    Friday night (=rapidly evaporating) minds vaguely want to know!


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