in reply to Tk::TableMatrix Memory Usage

I havn't played with TableMatrix except in examples, but the following snippet seems to reuse memory ok. Of course, I'm not changing the table size, just refilling cells. I think that is your problem, you are deleting and creating rows instead of reusing them. I'm not sure if there is a way to dynamically resize a TableMatrix. Usually in these big Tk lists, the trick to preventing memory gain, is to use a separate array for the actual data (I use $arrayVar), and just let the TableMatrix display it. When you try to use TableMatrix rows and cells as "disposible data containers", it will gain memory, as TableMatrix tries to keep track of the old entries.

But I'm just giving my best "guess", someone else may have a better example.

There is 1 bug which baffles me, after I do a "fill" or "clear", I only get the matrix to update after I jiggle the right scrollbar. Anyone else see this? I'm using Perl587 and Tk804.027 on linux.

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Tk; use Tk::TableMatrix; use Tk::TableMatrix::Spreadsheet; my $top = MainWindow->new; my $arrayVar = {}; print "Filling Array...\n"; my ($rows,$cols) = (40000, 10); foreach my $row (0..($rows-1)){ $arrayVar->{"$row,0"} = "$row"; } foreach my $col (0..($cols-1)){ $arrayVar->{"0,$col"} = "$col"; } print "Creating Table...\n"; sub colSub{ my $col = shift; return "OddCol" if( $col > 0 && $col%2) ; } my $label = $top->Label(-text => "TableMatrix v2 Example") ->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'both'); my $t = $top->Scrolled('Spreadsheet', -rows => $rows, -cols => $cols, -width => 6, -height => 12, -titlerows => 1, -titlecols => 1, -variable => $arrayVar, -coltagcommand => \&colSub, -colstretchmode => 'last', -flashmode => 1, -flashtime => 2, -wrap=>1, -rowstretchmode => 'last', -selectmode => 'extended', -selecttype=>'cell', -selecttitles => 0, -drawmode => 'slow', -scrollbars=>'se', -sparsearray=>0 )->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both'); my $realmatrix = $t->Subwidget('scrolled'); $top->Button( -text => "Clear", -command => sub{&clear})->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'x'); $top->Button( -text => "Fill", -command => sub{&fill})->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'x'); $top->Button( -text => "Exit", -command => sub{$top->destroy})->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'x' +); $t->colWidth( -2 => 8, -1 => 9, 0=> 12, 4=> 14); $arrayVar->{"1,1"} = 42; Tk::MainLoop; ###################################################################### +#### sub clear{ foreach my $row(1..$rows){ foreach my $col(1..$cols){ $arrayVar->{"$row,$col"} = 0; } } $realmatrix->update; $t->update; $top->update; } ###################################################################### +#### sub fill{ foreach my $row(1..$rows){ foreach my $col(1..$cols){ $arrayVar->{"$row,$col"} = 1000; } } $realmatrix->update; $t->update; $top->update; }

I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth. flash japh