in reply to Speed/Efficiency tweaks for a fannkuch benchmark script?

Taking your clever precheck a stage further gives a 50%-ish speed improvement on my iBook:
(Update: On a faster Linux PC the improvement is much less pronounced: only about 8–10%.)
use List::Util qw( min max ); sub fannkuch { my ( $aref, $level ) = ( @_, 0 ); my ( $index, $copy, $ok ) = ( $level, [@$aref], $level + 1 == @$ar +ef ); do { if ($ok) { if (max(@$copy[0..($copy->[0] - 1)]) != $copy->[0] && min(@$copy[($copy->[-1] - 1)..$#$copy]) != $copy->[-1 +]) { my @q = @$copy; my ( $k, $flips ); for ( $flips = 0 ; ( $k = $q[0] ) != 1 ; $flips++ ) { @q[ 0 .. $k-1 ] = reverse @q[ 0 .. $k-1 ]; } if ( $flips > $maxflips ) { $maxflips = $flips; @max_sequence = (); } push @max_sequence, join '', @$copy, "\n" if ( $maxflips == $flips ); } } else { fannkuch( $copy, 1 + $level ); } @$copy[ $index - 1, $index ] = @$copy[ $index, $index - 1 ] if $index != 0; } while $index-- > 0; return $maxflips; }
Incidentally, I tried changing the code to use Algorithm::FastPermute (which implements the same permutation algorithm in C) and the runtime actually increased. I don't know why that's happening. It may be an unfortunate side-effect of the stability improvements in my latest version of A::FP, or it may be something else entirely. Update: no, it's nothing to do with the recent changes. I get the same result using an old version too.