#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; $|++; use Image::Magick; use lib './lib'; use ServerApp; #NOT IN CPAN, see perlmonks.org my $app = new ServerApp({ Port => 2690, }); my $ret = $app->run_with( [ '/', sub { return indexPage(); } ], [ 'font-list', sub { my ($req, $info) = @_; use CGI; my $cgi = new CGI($req->content); #POST - this is no good...ServerApp must provide a better facility my %vars = %{ $cgi->Vars }; if( exists $vars{'fontDir'} ) { #print "dir: $vars{'fontDir'}\n"; if( -e $vars{'fontDir'} ) { my $ret = []; opendir DIR, $vars{'fontDir'}; foreach( readdir DIR ) { next if /^\.{1,2}/ || !/\.ttf$/i; push @$ret, $_; } closedir DIR; @$ret = sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } @$ret; return { js => $ret }; } } } ], [ 'render', sub { my ($req, $info) = @_; use CGI; my $cgi = new CGI($req->url->query); #POST - this is no good...ServerApp must provide a better facility my %vars = %{ $cgi->Vars }; if( exists $vars{'f'} ) { if( -e $vars{'f'} ) { my $text = $vars{'t'} || 'AaBbCcDd'; my $font = $vars{'f'}; my $size = $vars{'p'} || '30'; my $antiAlias = $vars{'a'}; my $color = $vars{'c'} || 'black'; my $baseColor = $vars{'bg'} || 'white'; my $newline_ct = $text =~ tr/\n/\n/; my $im = new Image::Magick( 'size'=>'1000x1000', magick => 'gif', #~ debug=>'All', ); my $params = { 'font'=>$font, 'pointsize'=>$size, 'fill'=> $color, 'gravity'=>'NorthWest', 'text'=>$text, 'antialias'=>$antiAlias, }; my $r; $r = $im->Read( 'xc:'.$baseColor ); warn "$r" if "$r"; my @values = $im->QueryFontMetrics( %$params ); use Data::Dumper;print Dumper($params); my ($charWidth, $charHeight, $ascender, $descender, $width, $height, $max_advance) = @values; $height = ($height + 1) * ($newline_ct + 1); print $width.'x'.$height . "\n"; $r = $im->Resize( width=>$width+30, height=> $height+5); warn "$r" if "$r"; $r = $im->Annotate( %$params ); warn "$r" if "$r"; my @blobs = $im->ImageToBlob( ); return $blobs[0]; } } }, ], ['quit', undef, 1], ); print "Exited with $ret\n"; sub indexPage { return join '', ; } __END__
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