This probably isn't a heavily obfuscated as others of its ilk (There can be only one!, My 2 cents worth) , and totally wasn't the original direction I was heading with this... but I saw myself writing for loops inside of for loops, and I just couldn't help myself.

#!/usr/bin/perl $ four=44;$ fore=$four*$ fore ;for $ fore(1..$ #4 four){$ for ||($ \= pack 'c',$ fore) } $ fourteen =14; $ fjor =$ four-$ #4 fourteen ;$ f=1;$ or=2;$ Or=$ f+$or+ $ f+$ or; #4 $ foreteen= $fourteen- $ or;$ fOr= $ four+$four - 4 *2;$ a= $ fior = sub { return [ $ fjor+$four , --$ four,-$ or,$f,-$ fOr -4,$ fOr -$ foreteen-$ f -$ or]};$b= $ fore=sub { return[ --$ fourteen,$ f ,$ or *$ or + $ f,-$ #42 foreteen ,- $ f- $ or, $ fourteen]};$c=$fyor=sub{return[-$ fOr-$ or,++$four+4 ,($f+$Or)*($f+$or),$fourteen,-$Or,-$fOr+4]};$d=$foer =sub{return[$ fOr-4-4,-$ Or-$ f,$ or,$ or+$ Or,-$Or, $fourteen]};for(a..d){if(ref($$_)=~m$AR$){for($$_){$ for=$fourten *$fjor;$fore +=$fjor;for( @$_){$for.=$ fore;$foor+= $ _ ;$ for.= pack 'a' , $ foor}}}else{ for($$_){for (@{&{$_}}){$ foor+=$ _; $ for.=pack'c' ,$ foor} }}} print $ for

$/ = q#(\w)# ; sub sig { print scalar reverse join ' ', @_ } + sig map { s$\$/\$/$\$2\$1$g && $_ } split( ' ', ",erckha rlPe erthnoa stJu +" );

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: (Ab)using fo(u)r...
by jdalbec (Deacon) on Feb 14, 2006 at 03:34 UTC