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ROBODoc to Pod translator

by wazoox (Prior)
on Mar 13, 2006 at 16:35 UTC ( [id://536298]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Utility
Author/Contact Info Emmanuel Florac ( wazoox @ free . fr )
Description: Do you know ROBODoc ? It's quite similar to Pod but has several advantages :
  • It allows to write inline documentation with most languages, including HTML;
  • You can create single or multiple documents from the same source;
  • It's more compact than Pod, ans it's a nice advantage when working with ctags.

However it missed something : the ability to generate Pod (for people used to it) from your ROBODoc. So here it is at last !

update : corrected a regexp

# robodoc 2 pod converter
#****h* robodoc2pod
# Robodoc 2 Pod
# Generate POD documentation from ROBODoc to allow
# use of perldoc with your Robodoc'ed code.
# * V 0.2.1 of 06/03/14        corrected the regexps
# * V 0.2.0 of 06/03/13        rewritten with intermediate representat
# * V 0.1.0 of 06/03/10        first version
# nothing known right now.
# * refactor cleanly
# * manage locales
# * manage nested lists
# * indent EXAMPLE with 
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the same terms as Perl itself. 
# Emmanuel Florac ( wazoox @ free . fr )
# (c) 2006 Intellique (
# always use strict et warnings.
use strict;
use warnings;

use Data::Dumper;

# functions

sub usage {
    return "usage  : $0 <source file> [ >> <pod file> ]";

# main

# must provide a file name to work with
my $file = shift or die usage();
open my $fh, $file or die "can't open file : $file";

# robodoc start and end tags (marks robodoc blocks)
my $rbd_starttag = qr(^\*\*\*\*[\w\*]\*);
my $rbdheadtype  = qr(^\*\*\*\*([\w\*])\*);
my $rbd_endtag   = qr(^\*\*\*);

# robodoc general tags
my @rbdtags = (
    'NAME',          'COPYRIGHT',      'SYNOPSIS',    'USAGE',
    'OUTPUT',        'SIDE EFFECTS',   'RESULT',      'RETURN VALUE',
    'EXAMPLE',       'NOTES',          'DIAGNOSTICS', 'WARNINGS',
    'ERRORS',        'BUGS',           'TODO',        'IDEAS',
    'DERIVED FROM',  'DERIVED BY',     'USES',        'CHILDREN',
    'USED BY',       'PARENTS',        'SOURCE',       'LICENSE',

my %rbdheaders = (
    c   => 'Class',
    d   => 'Constant',
    f   => 'Fonction',
    h   => 'Module',
    m   => 'Méthod',
    s   => 'Structure',
    t   => 'Type',
    u   => 'Unit Test',
    v   => 'Variable',
    '*' => '',

# to check for headers tags
my $tagmatch = join '|', @rbdtags;
$tagmatch = qr(^($tagmatch));

# to store the robodoc
my @robodoc;

# flag and titles
my $inrobodoc  = 0;
my $rbdtagname = '';

# read the file
while (<$fh>) {

    # remove leading # if any
    s/^\s*# *//;

    $inrobodoc = 0 if m/$rbd_endtag/;

    if ($inrobodoc) {
        push @{ $robodoc[$#robodoc]{$rbdtagname} }, $_;

    if (m/$rbd_starttag/) {
        $inrobodoc = 1;
        my ($headertype) = (m/$rbdheadtype/);
        ($rbdtagname) = (m/$rbd_starttag(.*)/);
        chomp $rbdtagname;
        if ($rbdtagname) {
            $rbdtagname = $rbdheaders{$headertype} . $rbdtagname;
            push @robodoc, { $rbdtagname => [] };

close $fh;

# now convert robodoc to pod
my @pod;
my $items   = 0;
my $podhead = 1;

foreach (@robodoc) {
    my ( $k, $v ) = each %$_;
    my $currhead = $podhead;
    push @pod, '', "=head$currhead $k", '';

    foreach my $line (@$v) {
        # insert head if this is a managed tag
        if ( $line =~ m/$tagmatch/ ) {
            push @pod, ( '', "=head$currhead $line", '' );
        # insert bulleted lists
        } elsif ( my ($elem) = ( $line =~ m/^\*\s+(.*)/ ) ) {
            if ( $items == 0 ) {
                push @pod, "=over";
            push @pod, ( '', '=item *', '', $elem );
        # end bulleted list
        } elsif ( $items > 0 ) {
            $items = 0;
            push @pod, ('', '=back', '');
            push @pod, $line;
        # raw insert
        } else {
            push @pod, $line;

print join( "\n", @pod ) . "\n";
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Re: ROBODoc to Pod translator
by slower (Acolyte) on Feb 11, 2010 at 00:35 UTC

    I took your post here as inspiration to turn this into a module and published it on CPAN. It's called Pod::ROBODoc and also sports a command-line program called robodoc2pod that can read from STDIN or a file and write to STDOUT or another file.

      Robodoc2pod has also been included in the standard robodoc distribution. I should check if the one that's published here is the latest, though.

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