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Simple Console Menuing System

by jdporter (Paladin)
on May 01, 2006 at 17:49 UTC ( [id://546701]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Printing a subset of a data structure
in thread Printing a subset of a data structure

Inspired by the OP, I wrote the following. It's a system for simple console-based menus. It's easily extensible.

use strict; use warnings; sub do_menu { my( $menu ) = @_; while(1) { my( $menu ) = @_; # display the menu print "\n"; print $_+1, '. ', $menu->[$_]{'label'}, "\n" for 0 .. $#{$menu}; print '0. ', ( @_ > 1 ? 'Return' : 'Exit' ), "\n"; # get the user's input local @ARGV; print STDERR '> '; local $_ = <>; chomp; /\d/ && !/\D/ or next; $_ == 0 and last; # item 0 is special defined $menu->[$_-1] or warn("Invalid choice\n"), next; my $op = $menu->[$_-1]{'op'}; my $arg = $menu->[$_-1]{'arg'}; if ( $op eq 'submenu' ) { do_menu( $arg, @_ ); # maintain the stack! } elsif ( $op eq 'exec_cmd' ) { execute_command( $arg ); } else { warn "Unrecognized op '$op'\n"; } } } my @printers_menu = ( { label => 'Show all Printers', op => 'exec_cmd', arg => 'showprintersall', }, { label => 'Show user print jobs', op => 'exec_cmd', arg => 'showprintersuser', }, { label => 'Show single printer', op => 'exec_cmd', arg => 'showprinter', }, { label => 'Kill a print job', op => 'exec_cmd', arg => 'killprint', }, ); my @accounts_menu = ( { label => 'Unlock user account', op => 'exec_cmd', arg => 'unlockuser', }, { label => 'Change account password', op => 'exec_cmd', arg => 'changepass', }, ); my @main_menu = ( { label => 'List and Kill UDT* processes by user', op => 'exec_cmd', arg => 'ListKillProc', }, { label => 'List and Kill Print Jobs...', op => 'submenu', arg => \@printers_menu, }, { label => 'Manage user accounts...', op => 'submenu', arg => \@accounts_menu, }, { label => 'Run App', op => 'exec_cmd', arg => 'APP', }, ); sub execute_command { warn "Executing command '@_'\n"; } do_menu( \@main_menu );

Of course, with objects, this might have been even more elegant.

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