munishdev has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:


my script is something like this :-

open (SNMP1, " |") or die "Cannot run $!"; while (<SNMP1>) { # do some processing } close (SNMP1) or die "ERROR: testing $! $?\n ";

When i execute this from command prompt, it runs fine. But when I run it from the web broswer, "close (SNMP1)" is failing. Since it is run from web, I don't get to see any error message but statements after "close (SNMP1)" never get exectuted.

Is it advisable to use "die" or we can avoid it. Because if I don't know "die" in "close (SNMP1)", it works fine.

thanks a lot in advance.


Edited by planetscape - added code tags and rudimentary formatting

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