syntax error at line 8, near ");" syntax error at line 12, near ");" Global symbol "$n" requires explicit package name at line 20. Execution of aborted due to compilation errors. #### use strict; use warnings; my ($i, $j, $x, $tot); my @exes; print "Please enter for how many values of x you will be finding the Standard Deviation.\n"; do {chomp($i=<>); print "\nPlease only use numbers.\n" if $i=~m/\[1-9]/;} until($i!~m/\[1-9]/); print "\nPlease input the values of x, one at a time.\n"; for $j(1..$i){ do {chomp($x=<>); print "\nPlease only use numbers.\n" if $x=~m/\[1-9]/;} until($x!~m/\[1-9]/); push @exes, $x;} undef $x; for(@exes){ $x=$x+$_;} my $ave=$x/$i; for(@exes){ $tot=$tot+(($_-$ave)^2);} my $deviation=sqrt($tot/$n); print "\nThe Standard Deviation of that set of numbers is $deviation.\n";