HuckinFappy has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Knocking meekly on the gates the lowly monk creeps forward, hoping his brethren can help save his sanity.

We're learning about Class::DBI, and have mocked up some samples to see if it meets our needs. So far, it all seems excellent, but I've hit a snag I can't understand.

The issue seems to be some interaction between many to many relationships and overriding the standard accessor names. In the base class that derives from Class::DBI (which all our other classes then derive from), we have the following:

sub accessor_name { my ($_class, $_column) = @_; my $_accessor = $_column; $_accessor = ucfirst $_accessor; $_accessor = 'Get' . $_accessor; $_accessor =~ s/id$/Id/smx; return $_accessor; } sub mutator_name { my ($_class, $_column) = @_; my $_mutator = $_column; $_mutator = ucfirst $_mutator; $_mutator = 'Set' . $_mutator; $_mutator =~ s/id$/Id/smx; return $_mutator; }
This makes all accessors and mutators follow our standard naming convention. So far, so good, it works as expected.

Now we have a many to many relationship between classA and classB. This is done using a table tableClassAtoB. The problem comes when we do the following:

my $classBItr = $classA->classBs(); while ( my $b = $classBItr->next() ) { ... }
When the next() is executed, we get the error:
Can't locate object method "classB_id" via package "ClassAtoB" at /usr +/lib/site_perl/5.8.5/Class/DBI/ line 77.
Due to how we've overriden the accessor name, it's clear to me that the method classB_id doesn't exist. We've used the Class::DBI functionality to change it to ClassB_Id(). But apparently Class::DBI::Iterator does not know that.

What are we doing wrong? Do we need to subclass the Class::DBI::Iterator and create our own?

Thanks Monks!