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Re: Carefully uninstalling perl on unix.

by Trinary (Pilgrim)
on Feb 07, 2001 at 00:29 UTC ( [id://56772]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Carefully uninstalling perl on unix.

Autobundle is the CPAN 'snapshot' thingy. Just builds a Bundle of all the packages you have installed, and saves it to your .cpan dir. So you can copy that over to the ~/.cpan/foo/ wherever you're putting it, and it'll get all the packages you had least, everything it can find.

doing an install of the autobundle is a lil dicey, I got a whole bunch of dependancy problems and had to go several runs through, but after that it was good. I believe it grabs newest versions of everything, don't know if that's the behaviour you want or not.

So, autobundle++ in general, but use with caution. When I used it to do an upgrade from 5.005_03 to 5.6, it tried to install 5.6 again as a package...that's not quite what I wanted. So keep an eye on it.

Re: removing dirs...just move them to start, update apache configs to point to new dirs, and test. Rinse, repeat until nothing depends on old stuff, and you should be good to rm -rf away.

Good luck!


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