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by Kickstart (Pilgrim)
on Feb 08, 2001 at 12:40 UTC ( [id://57145]=obfuscated: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

I knew it was possible, didn't think it would take so bloody long!

$t='|.|/'; %t=("\|l"=>"z,", 'l',8888888888888,$t, '._sV888P^','~^9888ka-', '.-\Q889' , '888/z-', "-_J88f 188KJ-", "-:388l o o t888[=." ,".>88l j88E:._" ,"Z3886._ ,J.__.488R=;." ,"/288888888888888S^.", "j^7Z988888885R^L-", ,'./jQV9TYVR\[\~', "|~|! |~|~. " ,' l | ', ,'_ _ " , "._,', ".)_)._) (_.__,."); @Y=keys(%t);@Z=values(%t);sub sah{$x=shift;$x=~s/\s+//g; $x=~y/\!-\~/A-Fa-f/s;return hex($x)}foreach(@Y){$_=sah($_)} foreach(@Z){$_=sah($_)}$w=!$|;$dp.=chr(($Z[3]/62418209+$w)). chr($Y[6]/34-!$|).chr('1'.$Z[0]).chr(4*(($Z[7]+$Z[1])^3)). chr(!$|+!$|+2*$Y[0]).chr(substr($Y[6],0,2)*2). chr(substr(($Z[3]/$Y[3]),1,2).$Y[5]/2).chr((!hex($t).!$|.$w)+1). chr((!hex($t).!$|.$w)+1). chr(oct(4*($Y[0]*3^2*$Y[0]))-(substr($Z[3]/$Y[3],1,2))). chr(!$|+!$|+2*$Y[0]).chr('1'.$Z[0]-!$|).chr($Y[6]/34-!$|). chr(((abs($#t).abs($#t).hex($t))-(!$|+!$|))). chr(($Z[0]*8)-$#Y+4-$Z[1]+!$|).chr(($Z[0]*8)-$#Y+4*!hex($t)).'!'; print "$dp\n";


Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Whew!
by chipmunk (Parson) on Feb 08, 2001 at 19:57 UTC
    This worked fine for me in perl5.005_03 on one machine. On another machine, the characters involving $> were garbled, as mentioned in another response. This obfuscation depends on the effective UID being 500, which is not a reliable assumption.

    On the machine where it worked in perl5.005_03, it didn't work at all in perl5.6.0. Most of the output was garbled. I've deduced that this is the result of a change in perl's hashing function between versions. This obfuscation depends on the keys/values of %t being returned in a certain order, which is also not a reliable assumption.

    This is a nice obfuscation, but it is too platform and version dependent.

      Thanks for the heads up...this version fixes it. Also fixed the main version.

      $t='|.|/'; %t=("\|l"=>"z,", 'l',8888888888888,$t, '._sV888P^','~^9888ka-', '.-\Q889' , '888/z-', "-_J88f 188KJ-", "-:388l o o t888[=." ,".>88l j88E:._" ,"Z3886._ ,J.__.488R=;." ,"/288888888888888S^.", "j^7Z988888885R^L-", ,'./jQV9TYVR\[\~', "|~|! |~|~. " ,' l | ', ,'_ _ " , "._,', ".)_)._) (_.__,."); @Y=keys(%t);@Z=values(%t);sub sah{$x=shift;$x=~s/\s+//g; $x=~y/\!-\~/A-Fa-f/s;return hex($x)}foreach(@Y){$_=sah($_)} foreach(@Z){$_=sah($_)}$w=!$|;$dp.=chr(($Z[3]/62418209+$w)). chr($Y[6]/34-!$|).chr('1'.$Z[0]).chr(4*(($Z[7]+$Z[1])^3)). chr(!$|+!$|+2*$Y[0]).chr(substr($Y[6],0,2)*2). chr(substr(($Z[3]/$Y[3]),1,2).$Y[5]/2).chr((!hex($t).!$|.$w)+1). chr((!hex($t).!$|.$w)+1). chr(oct(4*($Y[0]*3^2*$Y[0]))-(substr($Z[3]/$Y[3],1,2))). chr(!$|+!$|+2*$Y[0]).chr('1'.$Z[0]-!$|).chr($Y[6]/34-!$|). chr(((abs($#t).abs($#t).hex($t))-(!$|+!$|))). chr(($Z[0]*8)-$#Y+4-$Z[1]+!$|).chr(($Z[0]*8)-$#Y+4*!hex($t)).'!'; print "$dp\n";
        Hmm, I still have problems (on this the fixed version) on a perl 5.6.0/LFS/PowerPC machine. Ideas?
        sfl¿¿¿¿¿ pp rles!

        Laziness, Impatience, Hubris, and Generosity.

Re: Whew!
by thaigrrl (Monk) on Feb 10, 2001 at 01:33 UTC
    oh my !!!! That is just adorable:) and a cute little message too. How can one resist but to ++ this work of art! Exaclty HOW long did it take you to make the furry appearance just right? :)
      I have to admit I used one from the Ufiles section of the website and changed it to my needs. :) I did give the original creator credit when I mentioned it on the UF site.


Re: Whew!
by Anonymous Monk on Feb 08, 2001 at 15:14 UTC
    Cool, but it seems slightly broken (maybe in transfer?). The two last characters (before the bang) in the output gets garbled (the first of them seems to be chr(204.25), which leads me to believe the $> part is broken).

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