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The Shining

by reasonablekeith (Deacon)
on Oct 06, 2006 at 14:08 UTC ( [id://576675]=obfuscated: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Okay, so it's not the best code ever, and I wouldn't have started it were it not for Acme::Bleach, but it made me chuckle, and it is Friday :)

NOTE 1: like Bleach, this overwrites your source code on first run.

NOTE 2: The correct pronunciation is 'shin'-'ing', (do you want us to be sued?) :)

#!/usr/bin/perl use Acme::The_Shining; all wOrK anD NO play mAKEs jAck A DuLl bOy ALl WORk aND No Play mAkes jack A dulL boY. alL work ANd nO pLaY MAkeS jaCK a dUlL boY. alL WOrK ANd nO PlaY makes jAck A dUll BOy. ALL WoRK aNd no pLAy MAKes JAcK A DulL BOY. alL woRk and No PlAY MakeS JaCK A dulL boy. All wORK aND

I'm sure that this can be done a lot more efficiently, but I only did it for giggles, so all you golfers out there please feel free to knock this down to 6 characters.

Very simply, it encodes the original program in to a binary represention using uppercase for 1's and lowercase for 0's.

here's the source...

package Acme::The_Shining; $VERSION = '0.01'; my $template = "\nall work and no play makes jack a dull boy."; my $buff = reverse $template; sub encode { while ($_[0] =~ m/(.)/sg) { foreach my $bit (split //, sp +rintf "%08b", ord($1)) { while(1){($char = get_char()) !~ /[a-z]/ or last; + $rts .= $char;} $rts .= $bit ? uc($char) : $char; } }$rts } sub decode { while ($_[0] =~ m/(.)/sg) { my $char = $1; next if $char +!~ m/[a-z]/i; $bin .= $char eq uc $char ? 1 : 0;if (length($bin) == 8 ) + { $rts .= chr(to_dec($bin)); $bin = ""; } }$rts } sub get_char {$buff=length($buff)<2 ? $buff. reverse$template:$buff;ch +op $buff} sub to_dec { return unpack("N", pack("B32", substr("0" x 32 . shift, - +32))) } sub is_shiny { $_[0] =~ m/^[abcdejklmnoprsuwy. \n]*$/si }; open 0 or print "Can't repolish '$0'\n" and exit; my $pgm = join "", <0>; my ($head,$code) = ($pgm =~ m/(.*^\s*use\s+Acme::The_Shining\s*;\n)(.* +)/sm); exit eval($head . "\n" . decode($code)) if is_shiny($code); open 0, ">$0" or print "Can't polish '$0'\n" and exit; print {0} $head, encode($code) and exit;
my name's not Keith, and I'm not reasonable.

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