Crackers2 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I'm running into an issue that has me stumped.

I have a program that will reliably die (as in the process exits, not a Perl die at a certain line. There's nothing printed on STDOUT or STDERR. The exact line it's dying on is this:

$rc = syswrite $socket, pack("N",$self->{'length'}+length($SP_MAGIC)), + 4;

I've tried putting an eval around it but that doesn't make a difference either.

To make things worse, I can't find a limited code sample that still displays this behaviour. I tried doing an strace on the process but of course that also makes the problem go away. The full program is single-threaded but includes plenty of socket traffic and system calls.

Any suggestions on how I could proceed to find out where the issue is?