Here is a small collection of Perl 6 code snippets lifted and mangled from pugs/examples/cookbook
# ARRAYS my @a = <94 13 97 95>; for @a -> $e { say $e; } # HASHES my %hash = ( 'one' => 'un', 'two' => 'deux', 'three' => 'trois' ); for %hash.keys -> $key { say "$key => %hash{$key}"; } for %hash.kv -> $key, $value { say "The word '$key' is '$value' in French."; } # SUBROUTINES sub perl5 { my ($x) = @_; say $x; } perl5('old-fashioned'); sub parameters ($foo) { say $foo } parameters('some parameter'); parameters 'some parameter'; parameters foo => 'some parameter'; parameters :foo('some parameter'); sub whole (@names, %flags) { for @names -> $name { say $name; } for (%flags.kv) -> $key, $value { say "$key => $value"; } } my @stuff = ('array', 'elements'); my %flags = (hash => 'elements', are => 'pairs'); whole(@stuff, %flags); sub optional ($required, $optional?) { my $second_arg = $optional // 'Told you it was optional!'; say $required; say $second_arg; } optional('this'); optional('this', 'that'); sub named_params ($first, :$second, :$third) { say $first, $second, $third; } named_params(1, second => 2, third => 3); sub transport ($planet, *@names) { say "Transporting to $planet:"; for @names -> $name { say "\t$name"; } } transport('Magrathea', 'Arthur', 'Ford', 'Ovid'); sub typed (Int $val) { say $val + 3; } typed(3); # LOOP OVER STDIN while $_ = =<> { .print; } # OPEN A FILE FOR READING my $input = open("myfile.txt", :r) err die $!; my $line = $input.readline; $input.close; # OPEN A FILE FOR WRITING my $output = open("out.txt", :w) err die $!; $output.say("blah"); $output.close;