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Re^2: Why Perl Monks Works for Me

by Andrew_Levenson (Hermit)
on Dec 05, 2006 at 20:23 UTC ( [id://587970]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Why Perl Monks Works for Me
in thread Why Perl Monks Works for Me

Ah, but to me, threat of embarrassment and anger wouldn't exist without the helpful culture. If it were a newbie abusing group, I wouldn't be embarrassed, I'd just leave. Here, I can be embarrassed or ashamed because there is actually something of value for me to lose, namely the help and support of the monks.

I suppose embarrassed is not the right word. Perhaps, apprehensive?
$\=" ";$u=0;$w=0;x(qw/4A 16 07 86/);sub x{while(@_){$u**=$w?$w:$#_; print map{$w<$u?chr(hex shift):chr(hex reverse(shift))}$_;$w+=length%2 +!=1?-1:1}}

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