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Re^2: PDL works for real number matrix operations, but not working for complex number matrix operations.

by gmacfadden (Sexton)
on Mar 19, 2007 at 19:20 UTC ( [id://605559]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: PDL works for real number matrix operations, but not working for complex number matrix operations.
in thread PDL works for real number matrix operations, but not working for complex number matrix operations.

Thank you for identifying the problem with the variable i when using CGI and PDL simultaneously. I eliminated the CGI loads (and therefore was forced to run the PDL scripts from my shell - wish I could have it both ways). However, there is still a problem.

Let's suppose we want to solve two (2) complex simultaneous equations in two unknowns:

Equation 1: (1+i)*Xsub1 + (2+i)*Xsub2 = 5+10i

Equation 2: (1-2i)*Xsub1 + (2-i)*Xsub2 = 8 -5i

The following code using only real PDL variables, is well-behaved and correctly solves for the variables Xsub1 and Xsub2 as 3+i, and 2+i respectively as the execution demonstrated forthwith after the code prooves.

#! /usr/bin/perl -w use warnings; use strict; use PDL; my $matrixM = pdl [ [ 1, 2,-1,-1], [ 1, 2, 2, 1], [ 1, 1, 1, 2], [-2,-1, 1, 2] ]; my $matrixB = pdl [ [5],[10], [8],[-5] ]; my $matrixX; print "\$matrixM = ", $matrixM,"<br>\n"; print "\$matrixB = ", $matrixB,"<br>\n"; print "\$matrixX = ", $matrixM->inv x $matrixB,"<br>\n"; exit(0);
The results from running the above script are:
$matrixM = [ [ 1 2 -1 -1] [ 1 2 2 1] [ 1 1 1 2] [-2 -1 1 2]] $matrixB = [ [ 5] [10] [ 8] [-5]] $matrixX = [ [ 3] [ 2] [ 1] [ 1]]
This says that Xsub1 = 3+i, and Xsub2 = 2+i .....which is the correct result!

Now, in an effort to simplify, let's use the following functionally equivalent (?) PDL with complex matrices to solve the same two same simultaneous equations; observe the results after the following code:

#! /usr/bin/perl -w use warnings; use strict; use PDL; use PDL::Complex; my $matrixM = pdl [ [ 1+1*i, 2+1*i], [ 1-2*i, 2-1*i] ];<br> my $matrixB = pdl [ 5+8*i, 10-5*i ]; my $matrixX; print "\$matrixM = ",$matrixM,"<br>\n"; print "\$matrixB = ", $matrixB,"<br>\n"; print "\$matrixX = ", $matrixM->inv x $matrixB,"<br>\n"; exit(0);
The results from running the above script are:
$matrixM =[ [ [1 1] [2 1] ] [ [ 1 -2] [ 2 -1] ] ] $matrixB =[ [ 5 8] [10 -5] ] $matrixX = [ [ [ 5 -13] [ 0 21] ] [ [ 5 -6] [ 0 -7] ] ]
So my question is why am I getting such a clearly erroneous result when I run the second piece of code?
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Re^3: PDL works for real number matrix operations, but not working for complex number matrix operations.
by Anno (Deacon) on Mar 19, 2007 at 21:58 UTC
    Ugh. Please update your writeup and put <code> tags around your code and the results. The square brackets are unreadable the way it is.


Re^3: PDL works for real number matrix operations, but not working for complex number matrix operations.
by Anno (Deacon) on Mar 20, 2007 at 21:48 UTC
    You wrote:

    Equation 1: (1+i)*Xsub1 + (2+i)*Xsub2 = 5+10i Equation 2: (1-2i)*Xsub1 + (2-i)*Xsub2 = 8 -5i

    This says that Xsub1 = 3+i, and Xsub2 = 2+i .....which is the correct result!

    No, it isn't! I checked your result manually and couldn't believe what I found. So I took out PDL (which I'm not particularly familiar with) and used Math::Complex to run the following:

    use Math::Complex; my ( $m11, $m12) = ( 1 + i, 2 + i); my ( $m21, $m22) = ( 1 - 2*i, 2 - i); my $b1 = 5 + 10*i; my $b2 = 8 - 5*i; my $xsub1 = 3 + i; my $xsub2 = 2 + i; my $r1 = $m11*$xsub1 + $m12*$xsub2; my $r2 = $m21*$xsub1 + $m22*$xsub2; print "$r1 (should be $b1)\n"; print "$r2 (should be $b2)\n";
    which prints
    5+8i (should be 5+10i) 10-5i (should be 8-5i)
    Pardon me for being blunt, but you should have checked your result yourself instead of sending me (and who knows how many venerable monks more) on a wild-goose chase.

    Apart from that, I don't see how you arrive at the real 4x4 matrix that you use to represent a complex 2x2 matrix. I think there is such a representation, but the one you're using is obviously wrong.

    I have not followed your calculations any further. Very probably the result Math::Pari gave you is the correct one.


    Update: Corrected mistaken reference to Math::Pari

      Anno, please accept my sincere apology. I'm grateful for your's and all the monks' altruism in helping those of us trying to come up on the learning curve. I feel badly about whatever time the bespoke error caused you to waste.

      I will re-create a correct problem statement for my PDL question. If you can forgive this mistake, I would again value and invite your and the monk community's help.
        The differently-asked question was at PDL::Complex question. The answer was that PDL::Complex has severe limitations which can be partly mitigated by using PDL::LinearAlgebra; a more complete solution was part of PDL 2.040 with "native complex" number support.

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