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The stupid question is the question not asked

by straywalrus (Friar)
on Apr 23, 2007 at 20:53 UTC ( [id://611599]=CUFP: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Takes a BIND zone file & flattens any $INCLUDEs into a zone file stored elsewhere. I wrote this because we had many zones that were being transfered from a RAQ to a normal FreeBSD BIND server. The included files were almost always one line (the NS record), and just cluttering up a nice disk ;-). Enjoy.
#!/usr/bin/perl # flatten zone files that # have $INCLUDE directives in them; # This is a basic Unix filter: the source file # is read until a $INCLUDE is met, the file # is read & placed where the $INCLUDE was and # the program continues on. Can do nested includes # and doesn't touch the original files. $|++; use strict; use Getopt::Std; use Cwd; my (%args,@files,$debug,$zoneinp,$zoneout,$line); $debug = 0; getopts('vi:o:h',\%args); if(!defined $args{'i'} || !defined $args{'o'} || defined $args{'h'}) { print <<EOU; Usage: [options] -i: input directory -o: output directory -v: Print debug/verbose info -h: show this usage info e.g.: flatdns -i /etc/named/old-zones -o /etc/named/zones -v YOU MUST SPECIFY AN INPUT & OUTPUT DIRECTORY! EOU } $zoneinp = $args{'i'}; $zoneout = $args{'o'}; $debug = 1 if (defined $args{'v'}); @files = glob("$zoneinp/db.*.{com,biz,org,net}"); foreach(@files) { print "Processing $_\n" if $debug; open(ZNEINP,'<',$_) or die "Cannot open \"$_\":$!\n"; $_ =~ s/\/.*\///; open(ZNEOUT,'>',"$zoneout/$_") or die "Cannot create \"$_\":$!\n"; while($line = <ZNEINP>) { if($line =~ /^\$INCLUDE/) { procfile(*ZNEOUT,$line); } else { print ZNEOUT $line; } } close(ZNEINP); close(ZNEOUT); } sub procfile { my ($fh,$incline) = @_; my ($tmp,@inc); chomp($incline); print "INC: $incline\n" if $debug; @inc = split(/ /,$incline); print "FILE: $inc[1]\n" if $debug; print "CWD : ",getcwd,"\n" if $debug; open(INCINP,'<',$zoneinp . "/" . $inc[1]) or die "Cannot open file + $inc[1]:$!\n"; while($tmp = <INCINP>) { if($tmp =~ /^\$INCLUDE/) { procfile($fh,$tmp); } else { print $fh $tmp; } } close(INCINP); }

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