in reply to Returning two lists from a sub

I'm not surprised no one has mentioned this one. This is pretty horrible as well. Make the 2 lists have the same size, and then return a hash where the keys are one list and the values are another. Then you can extract both lists from the single list using perl built-ins. I would advise not doing it this way. But just for fun, untested code ahead...

sub foo { my ($tmp, @list1, @list2, %vals) = ('aaaaa'); @list1 = generate_list1(); @list2 = generate_list2(); if (@list1 > @list2) { push @list2, $tmp++ for 1..@list1-@list2; } else { push @list1, $tmp++ for 1..@list2-@list1; } @vals{@list1} = @list2; return %vals; } my %tmp = foo(); my @list1 = sort grep !/^aaa/, keys %tmp; my @list2 = sort grep !/^aaa/, values %tmp;