#!/usr/bin/perl -w $key=0; #Initialize variables. $updown=0; $i=0; @arrdone=(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); print "Enter passphrase: "; $phrase=; chomp $phrase; @letters = split //,$phrase; foreach $CHAR (@letters) { #Use phrase to create random seed $newbits=ord($CHAR); $modulo = $newbits % 10; if ($updown == 0) { if ($key < 0){$key*=-1;} $key=$key*($modulo+1); $key+=$newbits; if ($key>4294967294){$updown=1;} } if ($updown == 1) { $key=$key/($modulo+1)-($key%($modulo+1)/($modulo+1)); $key-=$newbits; if ($key<0){$updown=0;} } } srand $key; while() { chomp; @inputchars = split //; foreach $CHAR (@inputchars){ $charnum=ord($CHAR); $oldt=$charnum; for (0..8) { #Translate the input char into binary $t = $charnum % (2**$_); if($t==$oldt) { $binarr[8-$_]=0; }else {$binarr[8-$_]=1;} $oldt=$t; } while ($i<8) { #Assemble the key bit vector. $randout=rand(8)%8; if ($arrdone[$randout]==0) { $shifter[$i]=$randout; $arrdone[$randout]=1; $i++; } } for(0..7) { #Assemble the scrambled bit vector. if ($binarr[$_]==1) { $outchar[$shifter[$_]] = 1; } else {$outchar[$shifter[$_]] =0;} } for(0..7) { #Rejoin the new bits to an ord if ($outchar[$_]==1) { $sum+=2**(7-$_); } } $och= chr($sum); #Print the char. print $och; $i=0; #Reset variables $sum=0; for(0..7){ $outchar[$_]=0; $arrdone[$_]=0; $shifter[$_]=0; } } }