in reply to How can I find the union/difference/intersection of two arrays?

This version works. :)
my @simpsons=("homer","bart","marge","maggie","lisa"); my @females=("lisa","marge","maggie","maude"); my %simpsons=map{$_ =>1} @simpsons; my %females=map{$_=>1} @females; # the intersection of @females and @simpsons: my @female_simpsons = grep( $simpsons{$_}, @females ); # proof it works print "Female Simpson:\t$_\n" foreach (@female_simpsons); # the difference of @females and @simpsons my @male_simpsons=grep(!defined $females{$_}, @simpsons); # proof it works print "Male Simpson:\t$_\n" foreach (@male_simpsons); my %union = (); # the union of @females and @simpsons foreach(@females,@simpsons){ $union{$_}=1; } my @union2 = keys %union; # or just do this # my @union = (@females, @simpsons);
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