in reply to Useless .... of course !

It's been a game between Gloom and me, but may be you may like it too !

So, If you're interested in Perl golf, come on and join the contest...
Let's turn this 'useless code' into 'shortest useless code'
(RULE: Reproduce the spiral made by gloom with the fewest char.
the screen cleaning, shebang and the like aren't necessary...)

Here is my contribution (84 char):
$n=20;$i=1;while($n){map{print"\e[$a;${b}H@";${$n>$_?*b:*a}+=$i}1..2*( +$n-=2);$i*=-1}

PS: For a really impressive PerlGolf example see this.

"Trying to be a SMART lamer" (thanx to Merlyn ;-)