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Re^3: Testing methodology, best practices and a pig in a hut.

by stiller (Friar)
on Feb 28, 2008 at 07:43 UTC ( [id://670841]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: Testing methodology, best practices and a pig in a hut.
in thread Testing methodology, best practices and a pig in a hut.

I'd love to see you elaborate on alternative techniques. Testing is often seen as a chore, and in the shop I work in, the problem is a blatant lack of testing (especially automated). More productive testing strategies might help push testing among peers, and that would be a good thing.

Better ideas for more productive testing are always welcome to me, but I'm not sufficiently trained or smart enough to derive more productive testing strategies from what you've written so far. I do use Smart::Comments, which I think you've mentioned, a little, but probably not as effective as I could. Also, there must be more to your techniques than using that?

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