in reply to Installing specific versions of CPAN modules

I do not always have the luxury of being able to connect to CPAN, sometimes firewalls, sometimes no direct outside connection and have found the best way is to create a perl script that does all the installation steps for each module manually.

You will have to build them individually each time across the different platforms or else you will have issues. And if you are truly a paranoid one, you should want to download the exact version and store it locally for installation. This will give you the ability to take care of any dependency issues you have and will allow you to install on any platform all you will have to do is run the script created that will do the run the following commands at minimum for each module:

my @modules = qw ( moduleDir1 moduleDir2); foreach my $module (@modules){ chdir("$module"); system("Perl Makefile.PL"); system("make"); system("make install"); chdir("../"); }