The Hindmost has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi Monks, I'm currently modifying the Linux connection shell script for my University's network (to improve efficiency and connection success) and have found an interesting conundrum: bash works fine as a shell, sh doesn't (no known data for other shells yet).

So I've written a small perl program to pull the current shell out of env's output and warn the user if they're not running bash (code below):

#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # A program to return the current shell of the user # # Christopher Dykes (2008-09-30) #Use the following modules: use strict; #Use strict syntax use warnings; #Enable warnings #Get the environment data write it externally and open it for use: system("env > .env.txt"); open(ENV, ".env.txt") || die("Couldn't open environment data file: $!" +); while(my $fileLine = <ENV>) #Read in our environment fi +le { if($fileLine =~ /SHELL=/) #Search for the shell line { my @shellLine = split(/=/, $fileLine); #Extract the relevan +t portion print "$shellLine[1]"; #Display our shell #All done: close ENV; #Close the environment file system("rm .env.txt > /dev/null"); #Clean up the environmen +t file exit; #And Quit } } #We shouldn't get here unless there's been an error: die("\aError: Couldn't find SHELL\texiting\n");

This works, but it's more a question of efficiency is this the fastest way to do this (unlikely) and if there is a faster way can you give me any hints.

Thanks in advance Chris