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Re^2: Replace after match in regex (key value subsitution)

by ikegami (Patriarch)
on Oct 23, 2008 at 04:28 UTC ( [id://718945]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Replace after match in regex (key value subsitution)
in thread Replace after match in regex (key value subsitution)

  • You forgot to convert the text to a regexp pattern.
  • You only replace the first instance.
  • And since I'm already changing the line, I'll remove the useless use of map.
$text =~ s/\Q$_\E/$fixers{$_}/g for keys %fixers;

It could still be improved if it's going to be done repeatedly.

my ($re) = map qr/$_/, join '|', map quotemeta, keys %fixers; while (...) { ... $text =~ s/$re/$fixers{$_}/g for keys %fixers; ... }

Or even better for pre-5.10

use List::Regexp qw( ); my $re = List::Regexp->new()->list2re( keys %fixers ); while (...) { ... $text =~ s/$re/$fixers{$_}/g for keys %fixers; ... }

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