#!/usr/bin/perl # test perl script # check behavior of "exists" # reported to activestate as bug 1747 4/11/01 %test_hash = () ; $key1 = 'x' ; $key2 = 'y' ; if ( exists $test_hash{$key1} ) { print "The key exists\n" ; } else { print "The key does not exist\n" ; } if ( exists $test_hash{$key1}{$key2} ) { print "The double key exists\n" ; } else { print "The double key does not exist\n" ; } if ( exists $test_hash{$key1} ) { print "The key exists now\n" ; } else { print "The key still does not exist\n" ; } # end of script --------------------------- #### The key does not exist The double key does not exist The key exists now