in reply to anyway to abbreviate use strict; use warnings;

You can create a module to do that with ToolSet. See ToolSet::SWC as an example.

Personally, I created a module I call "XDG" like this:

package XDG; our $VERSION = '0.05'; use base 'ToolSet'; ToolSet->use_pragma( 'strict' ); ToolSet->use_pragma( 'warnings' ); ToolSet->export( 'Carp' => 'carp croak confess', 'Data::Dump::Streamer' => 'Dump', 'File::Spec' => undef, 'Path::Class' => 'file dir', 'Scalar::Util' => 'refaddr reftype blessed', ); if ( $] >= 5.010 ) { ToolSet->use_pragma( 'feature', ':5.10' ); } else { ToolSet->export( 'Perl6::Say' => 'say' ); } 1; # true

That's handy for one-liners, too:

$ perl -MXDG -e ...


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