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Yet Another Cryptogram Script

by missingthepoint (Friar)
on Mar 20, 2009 at 09:49 UTC ( [id://751968]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Cryptography
Author/Contact Info missingthepoint
Description: Yes, another one.
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw(shuffle);

sub encode {
    my ($text, @alphabet) = @_;
    local $" = '';
    eval "\$text =~ tr/a-z/@alphabet/";
    $_ = uc for @alphabet;
    eval "\$text =~ tr/A-Z/@alphabet/";

sub decode {
    my ($text, @alphabet) = @_;
    local $" = '';
    eval "\$text =~ tr/@alphabet/a-z/";
    $_ = uc for @alphabet;
    eval "\$text =~ tr/@alphabet/A-Z/";

sub no_lt_ws {
    local $_ = shift;

my $opt = shift;
my $func;
my @alphabet;
if ($opt eq '-e') {
    $func = \&encode;
    @alphabet = shuffle('a'..'z');
elsif ($opt eq '-d') {
    $func = \&decode;
    local $| = 1;
    print "Alphabet: ";
    @alphabet = split /[^a-z]+/i, no_lt_ws(scalar <STDIN>);
else {
    die "Usage: $0 <-e(ncode)/-d(ecode)> [filenames]";

print "Alphabet: @alphabet\n";
while (<>) {
    print $func->($_, @alphabet);
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Re: Yet Another Cryptogram Script
by jwkrahn (Abbot) on Mar 20, 2009 at 11:35 UTC
    sub encode { my ($text, @alphabet) = @_; local $" = ''; eval "\$text =~ tr/a-z/@alphabet/"; $_ = uc for @alphabet; eval "\$text =~ tr/A-Z/@alphabet/"; $text } sub decode { my ($text, @alphabet) = @_; local $" = ''; eval "\$text =~ tr/@alphabet/a-z/"; $_ = uc for @alphabet; eval "\$text =~ tr/@alphabet/A-Z/"; $text }

    Instead of running eval twice per subroutine you could do it like this:

    sub encode { my ($text, @alphabet) = @_; local $" = ''; eval "\$text =~ tr/a-zA-Z/\L@alphabet\U@alphabet\E/"; $text } sub decode { my ($text, @alphabet) = @_; local $" = ''; eval "\$text =~ tr/\L@alphabet\U@alphabet\E/a-zA-Z/"; $text }

      Good idea. :) And thanks - you made me realize my understanding of the \U-style escapes was a little fuzzy.

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