Category: Shell
Author/Contact Info Stephen Flitman <sflitman at>
Description: Run a shell command in every subdirectory under the current working directory (cwd), and including the cwd as well
# GLOBAL - execute a shell command in every subdirectory under cwd
# Stephen Flitman 022408 - inspired by 4NT
# Released under GPLv2

use strict;
use File::Find::Object;
use Getopt::Std;

my %opts;

if ($opts{h} or scalar @ARGV<1) {
   print <<"EOT";
Usage:  global [-hitv] [-x pat] 'command' [dir...]
   Execute command in each specified directory plus subdirectories, or
+ the
   current directory and all of its subdirectories.

   -h         This help information.
   -i         Ignore errors.
   -p         Show progress.
   -t         Test mode (does not execute command).
   -v         Verbose (takes precedence over -p).
   -x pat     Exclude all directories matching this shell wildcard pat

my $pat=$opts{x};
$pat=~s/\./\\./g;   # protect dots
$pat=~s/\*/.*/g;    # shell wildcard to regexp match any
$pat=~s/\?/./g;     # shell wildcard to regexp match one char
my $cmd=shift @ARGV;
my $nDirs=0;
my $nErrors=0;
my @dirs=@ARGV;
push @dirs,'.' unless @dirs;
my $tree=File::Find::Object->new({},@dirs);
while (my $dir=$tree->next()) {
   if (-d $dir) {
      next if $pat and $dir!~/$pat/o;
      if ($opts{v}) {
         printf "%4d. $dir\n",$nDirs;
      elsif ($opts{p}) {
         print "$nDirs\r";
      unless ($opts{t}) {
         my $output=qx/cd "$dir"; $cmd 2>&1/;
         print $output if $opts{v};
         if ($?) {
            printf "$cmd returns error code %d\n",($?>>8) if $opts{v};
            exit 1 unless $opts{i};
printf "Processed %d director%s with %d error%s.\n",$nDirs,$nDirs==1?'
exit 0;