in reply to (Golf) Fragment Reassembly

Ok, here's my current solution at 192 chars.
sub a{$#_?(sort{length$a<=>length$b}map{my$s=$_;my@l=grep{$s ne $_}@_; +map{my$t=$_;my@m=grep{$t ne $_}@l;a(i($s,$t),@m)}@l}@_)[0]:pop} sub i{($_,$t)=@_;chop$t while!s/\Q$t\E$/$_[1]/&&''ne$t;$_;} print a qw(logger gerbil log analog); print "\n"; print a qw(GATTACA ATTACA GATT AAGAT CCC);
update1: trimmed another 4 chars from the i sub, and stopped clobbering globals:
sub i{my($s,$t)=@_;chop$t while$s!~s/\Q$t\E$/$_[1]/;$s}
... if we're clobbering $_, we can trim another 5:
sub i{($_,$t)=@_;chop$t while!s/\Q$t\E$/$_[1]/;$_}
update2: 163 chars, strict and global-clean, all in one sub, named assemble (or 156 if it's named a):
sub assemble{$#_?(sort{length$a<=>length$b}map{my$s=$_;my@l=grep$s ne$ +_,@_;map{my($t,$u)=($s,$_);my@m=grep$u ne$_,@l;chop$u while$t!~s/\Q$u +\E$/$_/;assemble($t,@m)}@l}@_)[0]:pop}
               s aamecha.s a..a\u$&owag.print

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Re: Re: (Golf) Fragment Reassembly
by dws (Chancellor) on May 03, 2001 at 11:11 UTC
    Ok, here's my current solution at 192 chars.

    If we're only counting inside of sub assemble { ... } then I count 185 characters (and it passes my stress tests). Though if you use "assemble", as the problem statement suggests, you're up back up to 192 characters. Still, that's excellent.