#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use threads; use threads::shared; use Data::Dumper; my %running :shared; my $thread1 = threads::async { { lock %running; $running{ threads->tid } = 1; } my $sleep = int(rand() * 5); printf "thread: %d sleeping for %d seconds\n", threads->tid, $sleep; sleep($sleep); printf "thread: %d Awakes\n", threads->tid; lock %running; delete $running{ threads->tid }; printf "thread: %d about to return\n", threads->tid; return($sleep); }; print "Main sleeping for 2\n"; sleep(3); print "Main awakes\n"; if( exists $running{ $thread1->tid } ) { print 'email("alert")' . "\n"; } else { print "Thread finished in time, no problem\n"; } print "Thread eventually returned ".$thread1->join()."\n"; print "Exit\n"; __END__ C:\test>junk Main sleeping for 2 thread: 1 sleeping for 2 seconds thread: 1 Awakes thread: 1 about to return Main awakes Thread finished in time, no problem Thread eventually returned 2 Exit C:\test>junk Main sleeping for 2 thread: 1 sleeping for 0 seconds thread: 1 Awakes thread: 1 about to return Main awakes Thread finished in time, no problem Thread eventually returned 0 Exit C:\test>junk Main sleeping for 2 thread: 1 sleeping for 3 seconds Main awakes thread: 1 Awakes email("alert") thread: 1 about to return Thread eventually returned 3 Exit