use Text::NSP::Measures::2D::Fisher2::twotailed; my $npp = 60; my $n1p = 20; my $np1 = 20; my $n11 = 10; $twotailed_value = calculateStatistic( n11=>$n11, n1p=>$n1p, np1=>$np1, npp=>$npp); if( ($errorCode = getErrorCode())) { print STDERR $errorCode." - ".getErrorMessage(); } else { print getStatisticName."value for bigram is ".$twotailed_value; } #### #! usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Test; # use a BEGIN block so we print our plan before MyModule is loaded BEGIN { plan tests => 40, todo => [], } use lib "$ENV{HOME}/Desktop/perl/lib"; use Statistics::FET; use Statistics::FishersExactTest; print "***888 - Original Statistics::FET - 888***\n"; ## two tailed print "\n***\ntwotailed a-b-c-d\n***\n"; ok( Statistics::FET::fishers_exact(100 , 345 , 150 , 450, 'true', ), qr/^0.378973935/ ); ok( Statistics::FET::fishers_exact(150 , 345 , 150 , 500, 'true', ), qr/^0.006634280/ ); ok( Statistics::FET::fishers_exact(110 , 345 , 250 , 500, 'true', ), qr/^0.000737131/ ); ok( Statistics::FET::fishers_exact(11 , 34 , 25 , 50, 'true', ), qr/^0.410784065/ ); ok( Statistics::FET::fishers_exact(11 , 34 , 25 , 60, 'true', ), qr/^0.680962824/ ); print "\n***\ntwotailed (b-a-d-c)\n***\n"; ok( Statistics::FET::fishers_exact(345 , 100 , 450 , 150, 'true', ), qr/^0.378973935/ ); ok( Statistics::FET::fishers_exact(345 , 150 , 500 , 150, 'true', ), qr/^0.006634280/ ); ok( Statistics::FET::fishers_exact(345 , 110 , 500 , 250, 'true', ), qr/^0.000737131/ ); ok( Statistics::FET::fishers_exact(34 , 11 , 50 , 25, 'true', ), qr/^0.410784065/ ); ok( Statistics::FET::fishers_exact(34 , 11 , 60 , 25, 'true', ), qr/^0.680962824/ ); ## one tailed ## - return 'Right' tail print "\n***\nright tailed (a-b-c-d)\n***\n"; ok( Statistics::FET::fishers_exact(100 , 345 , 150 , 450, ), qr/^0.846286197/ ); ok( Statistics::FET::fishers_exact(150 , 345 , 150 , 500, ), qr/^0.003674851/ ); ok( Statistics::FET::fishers_exact(110 , 345 , 250 , 500, ), qr/^0.999730774/ ); ok( Statistics::FET::fishers_exact(11 , 34 , 25 , 50, ), qr/^0.892322547/ ); ok( Statistics::FET::fishers_exact(11 , 34 , 25 , 60, ), qr/^0.789358818/ ); ## one tailed ## - return 'left' tail print "\n***\nleft tailed b-a-c-d\n***\n"; ok( Statistics::FET::fishers_exact(345 , 100 , 450 , 150, ), qr/^0.191219881/ ); ok( Statistics::FET::fishers_exact(345 , 150 , 500 , 150, ), qr/^0.997565862/ ); ok( Statistics::FET::fishers_exact(345 , 110 , 500 , 250, ), qr/^0.000436655/ ); ok( Statistics::FET::fishers_exact(34 , 11 , 50 , 25, ), qr/^0.206057717/ ); ok( Statistics::FET::fishers_exact(34 , 11 , 60 , 25, ), qr/^0.349218359/ ); print "***888 - bugfixed Statistics::FishersExactTest - 888***\n"; ## two tailed print "\n***\ntwotailed a-b-c-d\n***\n"; ok( Statistics::FishersExactTest::fishers_exact(100 , 345 , 150 , 450, 'true', ), qr/^0.378973935/ ); ok( Statistics::FishersExactTest::fishers_exact(150 , 345 , 150 , 500, 'true', ), qr/^0.006634280/ ); ok( Statistics::FishersExactTest::fishers_exact(110 , 345 , 250 , 500, 'true', ), qr/^0.000737131/ ); ok( Statistics::FishersExactTest::fishers_exact(11 , 34 , 25 , 50, 'true', ), qr/^0.410784065/ ); ok( Statistics::FishersExactTest::fishers_exact(11 , 34 , 25 , 60, 'true', ), qr/^0.680962824/ ); print "\n***\ntwotailed (b-a-d-c)\n***\n"; ok( Statistics::FishersExactTest::fishers_exact(345 , 100 , 450 , 150, 'true', ), qr/^0.378973935/ ); ok( Statistics::FishersExactTest::fishers_exact(345 , 150 , 500 , 150, 'true', ), qr/^0.006634280/ ); ok( Statistics::FishersExactTest::fishers_exact(345 , 110 , 500 , 250, 'true', ), qr/^0.000737131/ ); ok( Statistics::FishersExactTest::fishers_exact(34 , 11 , 50 , 25, 'true', ), qr/^0.410784065/ ); ok( Statistics::FishersExactTest::fishers_exact(34 , 11 , 60 , 25, 'true', ), qr/^0.680962824/ ); ## one tailed ## - return 'Right' tail print "\n***\nright tailed (a-b-c-d)\n***\n"; ok( Statistics::FishersExactTest::fishers_exact(100 , 345 , 150 , 450, ), qr/^0.846286197/ ); ok( Statistics::FishersExactTest::fishers_exact(150 , 345 , 150 , 500, ), qr/^0.003674851/ ); ok( Statistics::FishersExactTest::fishers_exact(110 , 345 , 250 , 500, ), qr/^0.999730774/ ); ok( Statistics::FishersExactTest::fishers_exact(11 , 34 , 25 , 50, ), qr/^0.892322547/ ); ok( Statistics::FishersExactTest::fishers_exact(11 , 34 , 25 , 60, ), qr/^0.789358818/ ); ## one tailed ## - return 'left' tail print "\n***\nleft tailed b-a-c-d\n***\n"; ok( Statistics::FishersExactTest::fishers_exact(345 , 100 , 450 , 150, ), qr/^0.191219881/ ); ok( Statistics::FishersExactTest::fishers_exact(345 , 150 , 500 , 150, ), qr/^0.997565862/ ); ok( Statistics::FishersExactTest::fishers_exact(345 , 110 , 500 , 250, ), qr/^0.000436655/ ); ok( Statistics::FishersExactTest::fishers_exact(34 , 11 , 50 , 25, ), qr/^0.206057717/ ); ok( Statistics::FishersExactTest::fishers_exact(34 , 11 , 60 , 25, ), qr/^0.349218359/ ); __DATA__ Fisher's Exact Test # 1 + 6 + 11 + 16 ------------------------------------------ TABLE = [ 100 , 345 , 150 , 450 ] Left : p-value = 0.191219881514147 Right : p-value = 0.8462861978699979 2-Tail : p-value = 0.37897393517037725 # 2 + 7 + 12 + 17 ------------------------------------------ TABLE = [ 150 , 345 , 150 , 500 ] Left : p-value = 0.9975658620326552 Right : p-value = 0.0036748512483445626 2-Tail : p-value = 0.006634280583017804 # 3 + 8 + 13 + 18 ------------------------------------------ TABLE = [ 110 , 345 , 250 , 500 ] Left : p-value = 0.00043665577543502157 Right : p-value = 0.9997307748788292 2-Tail : p-value = 0.0007371317326469082 # 4 + 9 + 14 + 19 ------------------------------------------ TABLE = [ 11 , 34 , 25 , 50 ] Left : p-value = 0.20605771741014312 Right : p-value = 0.8923225471119328 2-Tail : p-value = 0.41078406593596795 # 5 + 10 + 15 + 20 ------------------------------------------ TABLE = [ 11 , 34 , 25 , 60 ] Left : p-value = 0.34921835927372824 Right : p-value = 0.7893588188856397 2-Tail : p-value = 0.6809628247605259 ------------------------------------------ #### TEST: ## simplified test equation my $test = $a*$d - $b*$c; ## introduced switching around of input pairs if ($test < 0 && $ts){ ($a, $b, $c, $d, ) = ($b, $a, $d, $c,); goto TEST; } #### perl Desktop/perl/lib/Statistics/ 1..40 # Running under perl version 5.010000 for linux # Current time local: Wed Jul 15 11:39:44 2009 # Current time GMT: Wed Jul 15 10:39:44 2009 # Using version 1.25 ***888 - Original Statistics::FET - 888*** *** twotailed a-b-c-d *** not ok 1 # Test 1 got: "1" (Desktop/perl/lib/Statistics/ at line 18) # Expected: "(?-xism:^0.378973935)" # Desktop/perl/lib/Statistics/ line 18 is: ok( Statistics::FET::fishers_exact(100 , 345 , 150 , 450, 'true', ), qr/^0.378973935/ ); ok 2 not ok 3 # Test 3 got: "1" (Desktop/perl/lib/Statistics/ at line 20) # Expected: "(?-xism:^0.000737131)" # Desktop/perl/lib/Statistics/ line 20 is: ok( Statistics::FET::fishers_exact(110 , 345 , 250 , 500, 'true', ), qr/^0.000737131/ ); not ok 4 # Test 4 got: "1" (Desktop/perl/lib/Statistics/ at line 21) # Expected: "(?-xism:^0.410784065)" # Desktop/perl/lib/Statistics/ line 21 is: ok( Statistics::FET::fishers_exact(11 , 34 , 25 , 50, 'true', ), qr/^0.410784065/ ); not ok 5 # Test 5 got: "1" (Desktop/perl/lib/Statistics/ at line 22) # Expected: "(?-xism:^0.680962824)" # Desktop/perl/lib/Statistics/ line 22 is: ok( Statistics::FET::fishers_exact(11 , 34 , 25 , 60, 'true', ), qr/^0.680962824/ ); *** twotailed (b-a-d-c) *** ok 6 not ok 7 # Test 7 got: "1" (Desktop/perl/lib/Statistics/ at line 27) # Expected: "(?-xism:^0.006634280)" # Desktop/perl/lib/Statistics/ line 27 is: ok( Statistics::FET::fishers_exact(345 , 150 , 500 , 150, 'true', ), qr/^0.006634280/ ); ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 *** right tailed (a-b-c-d) *** ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 *** left tailed b-a-c-d *** ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ***888 - bugfixed Statistics::FishersExactTest - 888*** *** twotailed a-b-c-d *** ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 *** twotailed (b-a-d-c) *** ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 ok 30 *** right tailed (a-b-c-d) *** ok 31 ok 32 ok 33 ok 34 ok 35 *** left tailed b-a-c-d *** ok 36 ok 37 ok 38 ok 39 ok 40 #### =head1 NAME Statistics::FET - Fisher's Exact Test statistic (2x2 case) =head1 SYNOPSIS use Statistics::FET 'fishers_exact'; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module exports only one function, C, which computes the one- or two-sided Fisher's Exact Test statistic for the 2 x 2 case. In the following documentation I will be referring to the following family of 2 x 2 contingency tables * | * | r1 = a+b --------+-------+---------- * | * | r2 = c+d --------+-------+---------- c1 | c2 | N = a+c | = b+d | = a+b+c+d The *'s mark the cells, N is the total number of points represented by the table, and r1, r2, c1, c2 are the marginals. As suggested by the equalities, the letters a, b, c, d refer to the various cells (reading them left-to-right, top-to-bottom). Depending on context, the letter c (for example) will refer *either* to the lower left cell of the table *or* to a specific value in that cell. Same for a, b, and d. In what follows, H(x) (or more precisely, H(x; r1, r2, c1)) refers to the hypergeometric expression r1!*r2!*c1!*c2! ------------------------------------- (r1+r2)!*x!*(r1-x)!*(c1-x)!*(r2-c1+x)! (I omit c2 from the parametrization of H because c2 = r1 + r2 - c1.) =head1 FUNCTION =over 4 =item fishers_exact( $a, $b, $c, $d, $two_sided ) The paramater C<$two_sided> is optional. If missing or false C computes the one-sided FET p-value. More specifically, it computes the sum of H(x; a+b, c+d, a+c) for x = a to x = min(a+b, a+c) - "the right side". (If you want "the left side", i.e. the sum of H(x; a+b, c+d, a+c) for x = max(0, a-d) to x = a, then compute C or C (these two are equivalent).) If C<$two_sided> is true, the returned p-value will be for the two-sid +ed FET. =back =cut ## let the code begin... use strict; use warnings; package Statistics::FishersExactTest; use Exporter 'import'; use Math::Pari (); my $Tolerance = 1; $Tolerance /= 2 while 1 + $Tolerance/2 > 1; @Statistics::FET::EXPORT_OK = 'fishers_exact'; sub fishers_exact { my ( $a, $b, $c, $d, $ts ) = @_; TEST: ## simplified test equation my $test = $a*$d - $b*$c; ## introduced switching around of input pairs if ($test < 0 && $ts){ ($a, $b, $c, $d, ) = ($b, $a, $d, $c,); goto TEST; } if ($test < 0 and $ts){ die "Cannot compute two tailed FET for input values given \( ".(join ", ", @_)."\)\n"; } # below here, $test < 0 implies !$ts; my $p_val; if ( $test < 0 ) { if ( $d < $a ) { $p_val = _fishers_exact( $d, $c, $b, $a, $ts, 1 ); } else { $p_val = _fishers_exact( $a, $b, $c, $d, $ts, 1 ); } } else { if ( $b < $c ) { $p_val = _fishers_exact( $b, $a, $d, $c, $ts, 0 ); } else { $p_val = _fishers_exact( $c, $d, $a, $b, $ts, 0 ); } } return $p_val; } sub _fishers_exact { my ( $a, $b, $c, $d, $ts, $complement ) = @_; die "Bad args\n" if $ts && $complement; my ( $aa, $bb, $cc, $dd ) = ( $a, $b, $c, $d ); my $first = my $delta = _single_term( $aa, $bb, $cc, $dd ); my $p_val = 0; { $p_val += $delta; last if $aa < 1; $delta *= ( ( $aa-- * $dd-- )/( ++$bb * ++$cc ) ); redo; } if ( $ts ) { my $m = $b < $c ? $b : $c; ($aa, $bb, $cc, $dd ) = ( $a + $m, $b - $m, $c - $m, $d + $m ); $delta = _single_term( $aa, $bb, $cc, $dd ); my $bound = -$Tolerance; while ( $bound <= ( $first - $delta )/$first && $aa > $a ) { $p_val += $delta; $delta *= ( ( $aa-- * $dd-- )/( ++$bb * ++$cc ) ); } } elsif ( $complement ) { $p_val = 1 - $p_val + $first; } return $p_val; } sub _single_term { my ( $a, $b, $c, $d ) = @_; my ( $r1, $r2 ) = ($a + $b, $c + $d); my ( $c1, $c2 ) = ($a + $c, $b + $d); my $N = $r1 + $r2; return exp( _ln_fact( $r1 ) + _ln_fact( $r2 ) + _ln_fact( $c1 ) + _ln_fact( $c2 ) - _ln_fact( $N ) - ( _ln_fact( $a ) + _ln_fact( $b ) + _ln_fact( $c ) + _ln_fact( $d ) ) ); } { my $two_pi; my $pi_over_3; my $half; BEGIN { $two_pi = Math::Pari::PARI( 2 * atan2 0, -1 ); $pi_over_3 = Math::Pari::PARI( atan2( 0, -1 )/3 ); $half = Math::Pari::PARI( 0.5 ); } sub _ln_fact { my $n = Math::Pari::PARI( shift() ); die "Bad args to _ln_fact: $n" if $n < 0; my $ln_fact; eval { $ln_fact = log Math::Pari::factorial( $n ); }; if ( $@ ) { die $@ unless $@ =~ /\QPARI: *** exponent overflow/; # Gosper's approximation; from # $ln_fact = $half * log( $two_pi*$n + $pi_over_3 ) + $n * log( $n ) - $n; } return $ln_fact; } } 1; __END__